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更新时间:2016-9-27:  来源:毕业论文

ASP.NET在线考试系统的设计与实现论文+需求分析+类图 摘  要:随着计算机网络的迅速发展,传统考试方式面临着改革,所以网络考试是一个很重要的发展方向。在线考试系统可以借助于Internet使考试既可以在本地进行,也可以在异地进行,大大拓展了考试的灵活性。系统采用目前比较流行的B/S编程模式,以SQL Server 2005作为数据库服务器,以C#为编程语言,在Microsoft Visual Studio 2005平台下利用ASP.NET技术实现完成的。本系统主要包含有参加考试人员登录、试题的选择、作答、提交、成绩查询等功能。
关键字:ASP.NET;在线考试系统;B/S模式;SQL Server2005

The Design and Realization of Online Examination System
Abstract: With the rapid development of computer network, traditional test methods are facing reforms, but the network examination is an important direction of development. Online examination system can be carried out by means of Internet, the examination can be carried out in different places, which greatly expands the flexibility of the exam.The system adopt B/S model which is popular at present, choosing SQL Server 2005 as the database server, use C# as the programming language, and completed by ASP.NET in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 platform. The system mainly includes the following functions: take the exam staff login, questions browsing, answer, scores query and so on.
Key Words: ASP.NET;Online Examination System; B/S Model;SQL Server2005
目   录

摘  要 1
1绪论 1
1.1 选题背景及意义 1
1.2 相关技术介绍 2
2系统分析和设计 3
2.1 可行性分析 3
2.2系统需求分析 3
2.3 系统总体设计 4
2.4系统总体功能模块图 4
3数据库设计 4
3.1需求分析 4
3.2数据库概念模型设计 5
3.3 数据库物理结构设计 5
4系统详细设计和实现 7
4.1 登录功能的实现 7
4.2学生功能模块的实现 7
4.3管理员功能模块的实现 8
5系统总结 9
参考文献 10
致 谢 11,3166

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