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更新时间:2016-9-27:  来源:毕业论文

VB唐诗选读系统设计 摘  要:唐诗选读系统的设计,初衷是通过这样一个系统的设计,让学生学习唐诗的时候更加方便。通过该系统,可以方便的对小学各年级的唐诗进行查找阅读,这样,可以让学生更好的学习唐诗。本文介绍了在Visual Basic6.0环境下,采用分级窗口模式开发的小学唐诗选读系统的详细过程。并从软件工程角度对系统的结构设计和功能设计进行了科学而严谨的阐述。
关键词:唐诗选读系统;查找;阅读;Visual Basic6.0

Design a system of the Tang Poetry Using VB
Abstract:The system design of the Tang poetry, original intention is through such a system design, let students learn the poetry more convenient. Through the system, can be convenient for the primary school grade of Tang poetry to find reading, such, can let students learn better than before in Tang poetry.This paper presents the Visual Basic6.0 environment, using hierarchical Windows model developed by the primary school system in detail of the Tang Poetry. From the point of view of software engineering,we conducted the scientific and rigorous exposition On the structure of the system design and function design.
Key Words:The system of the Tang Poetry;Search;Read;Visual Basic
目    录

摘  要 2
1.前言 2
2.本课题的意义及研究状况 3
2.1理论与教学 3
2.2 VB的应用 3
2.3 VB的发展 3
3.系统设计的主要思路 3
3.1窗体设计思路 4
3.2 控件的选择 4
3.3 数据来源的选择 4
3.4编程结构的选择 4
3.5 程序设计思路 4
4.系统设计的主要界面与操作 5
4.1系统界面设计 5
4.2系统程序设计 6
参考文献 9
致谢 10,3164

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