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更新时间:2016-9-25:  来源:毕业论文

ASP.net《计算机应用基础》课程考试系统的设计与实现 摘  要:随着网络技术的不断进步和信息的广泛普及,网络教学与考试系统已经遍布于Internet网络的每个角落。使用Visual Studio 2008作为开发平台,SQL Server 2000作为后台数据库,通过用户需求分析、系统设计、数据库设计、编码、系统测试等环节设计并实现了一个课程考试系统。基本功能包括用户管理、试题管理、数据导入导出、考试状态查看、试卷自动评阅、成绩管理等。课程在线考试系统的实现对实现教考分离具有一定的现实意义。

The Design and Implementation of “Computer Application Fundamentals” Online Exam System
Abstract: As the network technology continuously advances and information is extensively spread, online teaching and examination system has been around in every corner of the Internet. The system adopts Visual Studio 2008 as development platform, using SQL Server 2000 as background database. Through user needs analysis, system design, database design, coding, system testing and other aspects, an online exam system is designed and implemented. Its basic functions include user management, test management, data import and export, checking examination status, automatic reviewing papers, score management, etc. Online course exam system has some practical significance to separate exam from teaching.
Key Words: Online Exam System; Test Database; Automatic Marking Exam Papers
目    录

摘 要 1
1.课题研究的背景与意义 1
1.1选题的背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
2.系统分析与可行性研究 3
2.1系统需求分析 3
2.2可行性研究 3
3.系统总体设计 4
3.1设计目标 4
3.2系统功能模块设计 4
3.3 数据库设计 5
4.系统实现 6
4.1类的设计和实现 6
4.2学生功能模块设计与实现 7
4.3教师模块设计与实现 8
4.4管理员模块设计与实现 8
5.系统测试与分析 9
6.结论 9
参考文献 11
致谢 12,3123

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