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更新时间:2016-9-25:  来源:毕业论文

组卷算法问题中综合类试题去重问题研究(遗传算法) 摘  要:在计算机辅助教育的研究中,组卷算法是评价试卷好坏的一个主要方法,在组卷问题中,综合类试题去重研究是组卷问题研究的热点。研究遗传算法理论及其在组卷问题中的应用,采用VC++作为开发平台、利用ADO数据库访问技术,通过系统需求分析、设计、编码等环节设计与实现了一个组卷系统,主要功能包括:用户管理、组卷、组卷中综合类试题去重等功能。

Research on removing Redundancy of Comprehensive Questions in Test Paper Problem
Abstract:In the study of computer-aided education, generating paper algorithm is a primary method that assesses the quality of test paper. In test paper problem, reseach on removing redundancy of comprehensive questions is a hot issue. After studying the genetic algorithms and its applications in the test aper problem, the project adopts VC++ as the development platform and takes ADO as database access techniques, moreover, a generating paper system is designed and implemented through needs analysis, system design, code and other aspects. Its main functions include the user management, generating paper, removing redundancy of comprehensive questions and so on.
Key words:redundancy of comprehensive questions;Test system;Genetic algorithm
目  录
摘  要 1
关键词 1
Abstract 1
Key words 1
1.研究意义 1
1.1 课题研究的背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 本人所做主要工作 3
2.开发思想及应用技术 3
2.1遗传算法 3
2.2 C/S模式 3
2.3 ADO数据库访问技术 4
3.系统的分析与设计 4
3.1系统需求分析 4
3.2 功能模块设计 5
3.3 数据库设计 6
4.系统具体实现 7
4.1操作员登录功能的设计与实现 7
4.2 组卷设计与实现 8
4.3组卷去重功能的设计与实现 9
5.总结 10
参考文献 11
致  谢 12,3122

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