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更新时间:2016-9-24:  来源:毕业论文

C#医院化验单自助打印系统设计与实现 摘 要: 随着科学技术的突飞猛进,信息化的浪潮也席卷到医疗卫生领域。医院化验单自助打印系统已成为医院科学管理和提高医疗服务水平的重要手段。分析了医院化验单自助打印系统的现状,探讨了新时期医院化验单自助打印系统的发展趋势,提出了建设医院化验单自助打印系统的措施。采用c/s架构,利用Visual Studio 2008和SQL Server 2005来实现医院化验单自助打印系统,其功能不仅包括录入医生及病人基本信息,还包括记录病人的健康状况,而且针对化验单实现查询功能和报表浏览功能。
关键词: 医院化验单;C/S;自动打印单;SQL SERVER;C#

The Design and Implementation of the Hospital Laboratory Sheet Self-Print System
Abstract: With the rapid development of science and technology, Information technology wave has swept the field of health care. The hospital laboratory sheet self-printing system has become an important means to scientifically manage hospitals and improve the level of medical services. On the basis of analysis of the status of the hospital laboratory sheet self-print system, the development trend of the system is discussed and the approach of building new hospitals laboratory sheet self-printing system is proposed. The system is realized based on C/S architecture using Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2005. Its functions include not only the entry basic information of doctors and patients, but also recording the patient's health status, querying capabilities and browsing report.
Key Words: hospital laboratory; C/S; self-print system; SQL Server; C #
目    录

摘 要 1
关键词 1
Abstract 1
Key Words 1
1.课题研究现状和意义 2
1.1课题研究现状 2
1.2研究意义 2
2. 系统分析 3
2.1主要的内容 3
2.2需求分析 3
2.3思路 4
2.4采用的技术 4
2.5所用之ADO.NET数据库访问技术 4
2.6所用之水晶报表技术 5
2.7系统总体设计 5
3.数据库设计 6
3.1数据库概念设计 7
3.2数据库逻辑结构设计 7
4.系统详细设计与实现 7
4.1公共类设计 8
4.2用户登录模块 8
4.3医生管理模块 8
4.4病人查询模块 9
5.系统测试 9
参考文献 10
致谢 11,3119

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