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更新时间:2016-9-24:  来源:毕业论文

ASP.net育儿指导网站的设计与实现 摘  要:为了能更加科学、系统的指导年轻父母育儿,提供相关经验、知识及交流平台,设计与实现了育儿指导网站。本网站是基于B/S模式,应用三层架构技术,以C#为开发语言,SQLServer 2005 设计数据库,Visual Studio 2005为开发环境。本文详细论述了系统开发环境、系统总体设计思想、数据库设计等整个开发过程。该系统能在一定程度上能给育儿者提供帮助。
关键词:B/S;.NET;SQLServer 2005

The Design and Implementation of Parenting Guidance Website
Abstract:The design and implementation of parenting guidance website are to instruct young parents to raise children more scientifically and systematically. The website also provides young parents with correlative experience, knowledge and the communication platform.The system uses the pattern of B/S and applied the three-tier architecture technology. This system uses C# as the development language,SQLServer 2005 as the design database and Visual Studio 2005 as the development environment. This paper expound the whole development process about the system development environment, general design ideas, database design, etc. This system has some practical significance since it can provide some instruction and help for parents to some extent.
Key Words :B/S;.NET;SQLServer 2005
目    录

摘  要 1
引言 1
1.系统开发的环境介绍 2
1.1系统开发环境选择 2
1.2 ASP.NET简介 2
1.3 SQLServer 2005简介 3
2.系统需求分析和总体设计 4
2.1系统需求分析 4
2.2系统总体设计 4
2.3系统业务流程图 5
3.数据库设计 6
4.系统测试 7
5.小结 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10,3117

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