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更新时间:2016-9-20:  来源:毕业论文

基于WinPcap的数据包捕获和分析 摘  要:针对网络安全问题日益严重,本论文设计了基于WinPcap的数据包捕获和分析程序,该程序有查看网卡、通过网卡的数据流量、数据包的捕获与过滤、分析等功能,具有操作简单、能清晰查看到所捕获的数据包的相关协议信息的优点,对于研究以太网协议和解决以太网协议在应用中的问题具有重要意义。

Packet Capture and Analysis Based on WinPcap
Abstract:With the network security issues become more serious, the procedures for packet capture and analysis are designed based on the WinPcap. The program can view the card and the data flow through the network card, moreover, can accomplish the packet capture and filtering and analysis these data etc. The operation of system is simple, and can clearly view packet protocol information captured. So it is of great significance for the study of the Ethernet protocol and Ethernet protocol applications.
Key Words: Network Security; WinPcap; Ethernet Protocol
目    录

摘  要 1
前言 1
1.WinPcap概述 1
1.1WinPcap简介 1
1.2基于WinPcap开发的意义 2
1.3WinPcap构成模块 2
2.基于WinPcap程序设计 3
2.1程序设计总流程 3
2.2功能模块设计 4
3.程序各模块的实现 4
3.1获取网卡设备信息 5
3.2查看传输速度 6
3.3数据包捕获与过滤 6
3.4UDP数据包的统计 8
4.结束语 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10,3079

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