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更新时间:2016-9-20:  来源:毕业论文

Windows7系统定制与封装研究 摘  要:进入21世纪以来,信息产业高速发展,计算机的用途越来越广泛,人们的工作生活越来越依赖计算机,但微软发布的操作系统固有的一些缺陷给人们的使用带来了不便,对此,需要定制、封装技术将解决这些问题。首先介绍了定制封装用到的软件和技术,然后分析了用户需求,探讨了实现方法,介绍了开发流程,最后在论文中给出了定制封装大学生群体适用的操作系统的实例,该实例充分介绍了定制封装的实现方法和注意事项,最终得到的成果也为大学生群体的生活学习带来了极大便利。
The Study of Customizing and Packaging Windows 7
Abstract: The 21st century has witnessed the rapid development of information industry. With the widely use of computers, people’s life and work become more and more dependent on computers. However the intrinsic defects of operating system developed by Microsoft Company make people’s use inconvenient, so the customization and packaging technology will be needed to solve these problems. The essay shows how to use these technologies to solve the problem. First the essay shows how to customize Window 7. This thesis first introduces how to use the software and technology to customize and package system, and then analyzes what the users needs , and finally a custom package for the students is given, and introduce the methods and precautions of full customized package, and the final result obtained for learning has brought great convenience to the life of the students.
KeyWords: Windows7; Customized System; Sysprepped System
目    录

摘  要 1
引言 1
1.相关软件及技术 2
2.定制封装分析 3
2.1特性需求分析 3
2.2功能需求分析 4
2.3开发方法 4
2.4定制流程 5
2.5封装流程 5
3.定制封装的实现 7
3.1定制的实现 7
3.2封装的实现 8
4.系统特点 13
5.总结 13
参考文献 14
致谢 15,3078

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