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更新时间:2016-9-11:  来源:毕业论文

校园无线网络的规划与设计方案+无线AP的部署方案 摘 要:近年来,教师和学生对高校校园网的依赖性越来越高,随时随地获取信息已经成为广大师生最迫切的需求。由于无线网络可以迅速、方便地部署到任何环境之中,所以,将无线网络应用到校园网络之中会更方便于教师的教学和学生的学习,使学生、教师和管理人员无论在室内还是室外都可以介入网络,无论是在教学楼、办公楼、学生宿舍或者其他校区都可以实现全方位的无线上网,这是无线网络在校园中的发展趋势。在校园中应用无线网络,还可以在每次的需求成本发生变化时,为教室和实验室重新布线节约时间和成本。

The Planning and Design of Campus Wireless Network
Abstract:In recent years, the teachers and the students in the dependence of the campus network is more and more high, and getting information at any time and place has become the most pressing needs for teachers and students. Because wireless network can be quickly and easily deployed in any environment, so it will be more convenient for the teachers' teaching and students' learning when a wireless network is apply to campus network, and make students, and teachers and administrators in whatever indoors or outdoors all can intervene network, in addition, whether in teaching building, office building, the student's dormitory or other campus can achieve all-round wireless Internet. This is a development trend for wireless network in the campus. On the other hand, Wireless network on campus can save time and cost when some needs change every time.
Key Words:Wireless networks; Campus; information; Convenient
目    录

摘 要 2
引言 3
1.无线网络的概述 4
1.1无线网络的概念 4
1.2无线网络协议标准 5
1.2.1 IEEE 802.11a 5
1.2.2 IEEE 802.11b 5
1.2.3 IEEE 802.11g 5
1.2.4 IEEE 802.11n 5
2.校园无线网络的实施方案 5
2.1需求分析 5
2.2设计原则 6
2.3校园无线网络建设的目标 8
3.校园无线网络的建设方案 8
3.1建设方案概述 8
3.2用户行为审计组网方案 10
3.3网络虚拟化技术(IRF2.0) 11
4.无线AP的部署方案 11
4.1宿舍传统无线信号覆盖 11
4.1.1宿舍传统无线信号覆盖 11
4.1.2宿舍无线接入覆盖优化 11
4.2教学区无线信号覆盖 12
4.3图书馆无线信号覆盖 12
4.4阶梯教室无线信号覆盖 12
4.5室外部署 12
4.6室外空旷区域部署 12
5.校园网计费、安全、管理设计 12
5.1网络认证计费设计 12
5.2网络安全设计 13
5.2.1网络出口安全 13
5.2.2防止基于流的攻击特性 14
5.2.3病毒的广播传递 14
5.3上网流量控制、管理与审计设计 14
5.4网络管理设计 15
5.4.1 IMC 平台 15
5.4.2 WSM 无线平台 15
参考文献 16,3011

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