《程序设计基础》教学平台的设计与实现 摘 要:为了让学生在教室之外能有一个可以进行课程学习,相互交流的平台,这对学生的学习、老师的教课以及师生之间的交流都有大的帮助,为此开发了这个教学平台。该教学平台采用ASP编程语言,Access数据库,B/S的开发模式,让学生通过该教学平台,可以进行在线学习,提交作业及提问,可以方便地获取课程学习需要的资源,教师可以在线发布通知、查看学生作业、回复学生留言、答疑等;并提供学生与学生之间的交流平台,体现数字化学习、自主学习教育理念。
关键词 :教学平台;B/S模式;在线学习本文来自优|文,论~文'网,毕业论文 www.chuibin.com 加7位QQ324_9114找源文
The Design and Implementation of the “Program Design” Teaching Platform
Abstract:The development of this teaching platform is order to provide the students mutual exchange platform outside the classroom, which can promote the student learning, teacher teaching as well as the exchange between teachers and students. The platform adopts ASP programming language, the Access database, and the B / S mode. It enables students to online learn, submit assignments, ask questions and easily obtains the needed course resources. On the other hand, teachers can publish online notice, examine student work, reply to the message and answer questions etc. In a word, the system provides a platform for exchanges between students, which reflects the digital learning and self-learning educational philosophy.
Key Words: Teaching Platform; B/S Model; Online-Learning
目 录
摘 要 1
关键词 1
前言 1
1.绪论 2
1.1 选题的背景 2
1.2 选题的意义 2
2.开发工具的介绍 2
2.1 Active Server Page 简介 2
2.2 Access 数据库 3
2.3 Dreamweaver CS3 简介 3
3.教学平台的需求分析 3
4.教学平台的系统设计 4
4.1系统模块设计 4
4.2系统数据库设计 5
4.3数据库表间的关系 5
4.4系统流图 6
5.系统功能实现与测试 6
5.1 登录模块 6
5.2上传模块 7
5.3 查询模块 7
5.4 提问模块 7
5.5 交流模块 7
5.6 系统测试 7
6.总 结 7
参考文献 7,3000