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更新时间:2016-9-2:  来源:毕业论文

ASP.NET《信息技术教学论》教学网站的设计 摘  要:设计和开发《信息技术教学论》教学网站,是为了将课程课件、教案、实验素材等教学资源发布到网络,供学习者随时随地在线学习。系统以ASP.NET作为开发工具,使用SQL Server 2005作为数据库。系统中的学习功能为学生设计,课程通知和教学案例功能帮助学生了解最新课程动态,在线留言能够促进教师和学生之间的交流,课件下载给学生补充课下学习资料。教师管理功能包括学生管理、课程通知管理、教学案例管理、友情连接管理、课程作业管理。
关键词:信息技术教学论;本文来自优)文,论(文'网,毕业论文 www.chuibin.com 加7位QQ324_9114找源文教学网站;ASP.NET;SQL Server

The Teaching Website Design for the Teaching Theory of
Information Technology
Abstract: The design and development of the teaching website of the teaching theory of information technology is to online learn anytime and anywhere for the learner through publishing teaching resources on the web, for example,the coursewares、lesson plans and experiment materials and so on. The system uses ASP.NET as the development tool and SQL Server 2005 as the database. The learning modules in the system is designed for the students, so the course notice and the teaching cases module can help students know the latest course dynamic, moreover, the online message module can promote the communication between teachers and students, and then the courseware download module can add learning materials after class for students. The teacher management functions includes student management,course informs management, teaching case management, friendship connection management, and course assignments management.
Key Words: Teaching theory of information technology; Teaching Website; ASP.NET; SQL Server
目    录

摘  要 1
1.课题研究背景与意义 2
1.1 本课题研究背景 2
1.2 本课题研究意义 2
2.系统采用的技术 3
2.1 ASP.NET简介 3
2.2 SQL Server 简介 3
2.3系统设计思想 4
3.网站分析与设计 4
3.1 网站需求分析 4
3.2 网站功能描述 4
3.3 网站功能框架 5
4.《信息技术教学论》教学网站的设计与实现 6
4.1 数据库的设计 6
4.2 《信息技术教学》网站功能模块的实现 7
5.总结 9
参考文献 11
致谢 12,2976

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