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更新时间:2016-9-1:  来源:毕业论文

摘  要: 本项目采用WIN7的操作系统,VS2005作为开发平台,C#作为开发语言,ASP.NET作为前台开发工具,SQL Server2005作为后端数据管理平台。基于B/S模式的学生选课系统主要功能包括:学生查询可选课程和选课,教师查询选其课程的学生和学期结束时提交成绩,以及管理员对学生,教师,课程的文护等功能。本系统的核心功能模块是学生选课模块,在实现学生选课功能时主要使用了存储过程技术。与传统的手工管理选课信息,有检索迅速、查找方便、本文来自优&文,论%文'网,毕业论文 www.chuibin.com 加7位QQ324_9114找源文可靠性高、存储量大、保密性好等优点。
关键词:学生选课;ASP.NET;SQL Server2005;B/S模式

Design and Implementation of Course Selection System
Abstract:This project uses the WIN7 operating system and VS2005 as the development platform, C# as development language, ASP.NET as the foreground development tool, SQL Server2005 as the background data management. The main functions of the student selection system based on B/S model includes: the student querying optional courses and selecting course, teachers querying the students who select their courses and submitting scores at the end of the semester, as well as the administrator managing and maintaining the information of the student, the teacher, the course. The core functional module of the system is the student selecting course module and the storing process technology is used in the realization. Compared with the traditional manual management of the course information, it has advantages of searching quickly, finding conveniently, high reliability, large capacity storage and good security and so on.
Key words: student selection; ASP.NET; SQL Server2005; B / S model
目    录

摘  要 3
1研究意义 4
2系统采用技术 4
2.1前台开发语言使用ASP.NET技术 5
2.2 后台数据库采用SQL SERVER2005技术 5
2.3 软件设计思想 5
3系统数据库设计 6
3.1需求分析 6
3.2概要设计 7
4系统核心功能实现 7
4.1登录模块 8
4.2学生选课模块: 8
4.3管理员功能模块 10
5总结 11
参考文献 12,2966

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