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更新时间:2016-9-1:  来源:毕业论文

ASP.NET网上求职招聘网站系统的设计与实现毕业论文 摘  要:随着大学生和其他求职者就业难问题的增加,现在的网上求职招聘系统越来越不能满足求职者和招聘单位的要求。针对求职招聘这一环节,系统从求职者、招聘单位和管理员三个大方面进行了设计,基本实现了求职者的网上发布求职信息、个人信息的修改、bbs社区讨论、查看招聘信息、招聘单位对单位信息的修改、发布招聘信息、管理员对站点新闻、主页招聘信息的管理文护等功能。

Design and Implementation of Online Job Hunting and Recruitment System
Abstract:With the increase of employment difficulty for college students and other job seekers,online job recruitment system can not meet the needs of the job seekers and recruiters now. Aiming at job hunting and recruitment, the system is designed from three three aspects: job seekers , recruiters and administrator , and its base functions are accomplished, including the job seeker releasing job hunnting information, modifying personal information, BBS community discussion , browsing recruitment information. On the other hand, the recruiting companies also can modify their information and release recruitment information. The Administrator can manage and maintain site news and recruitment information on the home page.
Key Words: Online Job Search and Recruitment; ASP.NET; B/S
目    录

摘  要 1
引言 2
1绪论 2
2技术介绍 2
2.1 HTML 2
2.2 ASP.NET 3
2.3 SQL Server 3
3系统概要设计 3
3.1系统总体设计 3
3.2 数据库设计 5
4详细设计与实现 6
4.1 求职者/招聘企业/管理员登录功能 6
4.2求职者/招聘企业注册功能 7
4.3 求职者和招聘企业单位信息查询功能 7
4.4 管理员功能 8
总  结 8
参考文献 10
致谢 11,2961

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