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更新时间:2016-8-28:  来源:毕业论文

计算机科学技术学院  08级计算机科学与技术专业
摘  要:本文研究了软件工程课程的教学特点和存在问题,提出了教学科研实践一体化机制和知识能力素质齐增长的要求。该论文注重贯穿软件开发整个过程的系统性认识和实践性应用,强调案例化教学和探索式学习,通过研究和建立适合小组式开发的软件工程环境使学生在理解和实践的基础上掌握当前软件工程的方法、技术和工具。通过课外提高农村中学生英语口语水平的方法

Teaching Reform and Discussion of “Software Engineering”
Abstract: This thesis studies teaching characteristic and existing problems of the software engineering curriculum,moreover, puts forward integration mechanisms of the practice of teaching and research integration, and then the common growth of knowledge and ability is required. It emphasizes systematic understanding and practical application on the process of software development, and pays attention to case teaching and exploratory learning. Through researching and establishing software engineering environment of group -style development, it makes students grasp current methods, techniques and tools of software engineering on the basis of understanding the basic theory of software engineering.
Key Words: Software Engineering; Teaching Reform; Curriculum System; Curriculum Practice
目    录

摘  要 1
引言 1
1. 当前《软件工程》课程的内容及教学特点 2
1.1当前《软件工程》课程的内容设置 2
1.2当前《软件工程》课程的教学特点 2
2.《软件工程》课程改革 2
2.1《软件工程》课程教学中存在的问题 2
2.2《软件工程》课程教学效果不理想的主要原因 3
2.3《软件工程》课程改革 3
3.《软件工程》课程改革的探讨 3
3.1构建先进的课程体系 4
3.2强调案例化教学 4
3.3强调探索式学习 8
3.4课程实验结合实际开发因素和参与乐趣 9
3.5建立适合小组式开发的软件工程环境 9
4.结束语 11
参考文献 12
致谢 13,2905

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