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更新时间:2016-8-28:  来源:毕业论文

Asp.net的广告信息平台设计与实现论文 摘  要:本系统利用B/S模式在对广告网站的理论研究和实践的基础之上,依据web标准,利用ASP.NET+SQL Server技术和VS2010这个开发工具设计完成。本系统完成后主要有广告主,网站主和后台管理模块组成;本系统不但实现了网络广告的投放、管理和计费等功能而且利用WebshowServer实现广告关键词跳转功能。和已有的系统相比,本系统具有异步刷新和搜索引擎优化这两方面的优势。大学军训总结
关键词:广告信息平台;B/S架构; 数据库; ADO.NET

Advertising Information Platform Based on Asp.net
Abstract: On the basis of theoretical study and practice on advertising websites, the the system adopts B/S model and uses ASP.NET+SQL Server technology and VS2010 platform to design and implement according to web standards. This system mainly consists of the advertising owners module, the website owners module and background management module. This system not only realizes upload, management and accounting of the network advertisement and other functions, but also completes advertising keywords jump by using WebshowServer. Compared with present systems, this system has two advantages of the asynchronous refresh and search engine optimization.
Key Words: Advertising information platform ;B/S Structure;Database; ADO.NET
目    录

摘  要 1
引言 1
1.研究现状和意义 2
1.1研究现状 2
1.2研究意义 2
2.系统相关技术 2
2.1前台开发技术 2
2.2 ADO.NET数据库访问技术 3
3.系统分析 3
3.1需求分析 3
3.2系统总体设计 4
4.数据库设计 5
4.1 数据库需求分析 5
4.1数据库逻辑结构设计 6
5 系统主要功能的实现 6
5.1 广告连接的实现模块 6
5.2广告计费模块 7
5.3 后台管理模块 8
总结 9
参考文献 10
致谢 11,2904

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