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更新时间:2016-8-28:  来源:毕业论文

数据库中敏感关联规则隐藏算法研究数据挖掘 摘要:随着信息技术的发展,个人隐私泄露成为日益严重的问题,因此迫切需要研究出防止数据发布中个人隐私泄露的方法。为此,许多研究者提出不同的方法用以实现保护的隐私数据发布。本文在借鉴前人的基础上对该领域进行了更深入的探讨,简单描述了课题研究背景与现状,深入研究了关联规则隐藏算法,探讨了关联规则隐藏算法的评估和研究趋势。
关键词:数据挖掘;隐私保护;敏感关联规则;关联规则隐藏 小学生学习负担情况调查问卷

Research on Sensitive Association Rules Hiding Algorithm in the Database
Abstract: With the development of information technology, the leakage of personal privacy becomes an increasingly serious problem and it is an urgent need  to present some methods of preventing disclosure of personal privacy in data dissemination. For this reason, many researchers have proposed different methods to achieve the protection of privacy data released. This thesis discusses deeply about the subject on the basis of previous research results, and then briefly introduces research research background and current situation, finally deeply studies the association rules hiding algorithm and explores the evaluation and research trends of the association rule hiding algorithm.
Key Words: Data mining; privacy; sensitive association rules; association rule hiding
目    录

摘要 1
引言 1
1 课题研究 2
1.1关联规则隐藏的研究背景 2
1.2关联规则隐藏的研究现状 2
2关联规则隐藏算法 3
2.1关联规则介绍 3
2.2关联规则隐藏算法分类 3
3 关联规则隐藏算法的评估 6
3.1 算法效率 7
3.2 规则效能 7
3.3 算法复杂性 7
3.4 扩展性 7
4总结 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10,2897

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