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更新时间:2016-10-14:  来源:毕业论文

摘  要:我国初级中学物理实验教学课程改革已经开展多年,在取得显著成果的同时,还存在着一些问题。本论文采用问卷调查及访谈等多种方法,对周口部分初级中学的师生进行调查,展开了三个方面的研究:初中物理实验开展情况;物理教师对实验教学的认识及态度;学生对实验教学的认识及态度。结果显示,部分教师和学生对实验教学认识不够充分、态度不够端正,导致初中物理实验开展情况不容乐观。并针对存在的问题提出了合理的解决方案。

The Present Situation Investigation of Physics Experiment Teaching of Junior Middle School
——taking the Part of the middle school in Zhou Kou as an example
Abstract:  The teaching innovation in physical experiment courses has been carried out for many years in our country junior middle school, though we have achieved series of achievements, there are some problems. This paper uses the method of questionnaire surveys, interviews and other research methods. This paper uses the method of questionnaire surveys, interviews and other research methods carry out research from the situation of the physical experiments carried out, the teachers' cognition and attitude of the experiment teaching and the students' cognition and attitude of the experiment teaching three parts to some Zhoukou junior middle school.
The result shows that the cognition of some teachers and students is insufficient besides the awareness is incorrect, lead to the situation of the development of the physics experiment in the junior middle school is not optimistic. Some solutions to the problems are offered at the end of this paper.
Key Words: Physics experiment teaching; Investigation; Cognition; Attitude

目   录

摘要 1
引言 2
1. 物理实验教学的重要作用 2
2. 调查与分析 3
2.1 调查对象、方法和内容 3
2.2 初中物理实验现状调查 3
3. 调查结果 8
3.1 物理实验教学中存在的问题 8
3.2 对策 9
4. 结束语 9
参考文献 10
附录 11
致谢 14,3326

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