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更新时间:2016-10-14:  来源:毕业论文

摘  要:在我国基础教育改革实施过程中,音乐教学的有效性是教学活动中的核心问题已得到普遍认可。面对当前中小学音乐课堂教学的发展现状,如何提高中小学音乐教学中的有效性,成为音乐教师关注并积极探究的课题。本文就中小学音乐教学有效性的提升进行了多角度的探讨,旨在提高中小学音乐课堂教学的有效性。文章认为实行有效性教学不仅能使课堂教学达到高质量高效果,调动学生主动参与音乐的积极性,更有利于教师与学生之间的交流与合作,而加强对课堂教学的有效性研究,也成为提升课堂教学效果的重要途径。

On the Effectiveness of Primary and Secondary School
 Music Teaching
Abstract:During the basic education reform and implementation in our country, it is generally recognized that the effectiveness of music teaching is the nuclear problem in teaching activities. And facing with the current development of primary and secondary school music classes, how to improve its effectiveness has been a focus for music teachers to explore. In order to increase the effectiveness of the primary and secondary school music teaching, the paper makes a multiple analyses and argues that the effective teaching contributes not only to obtain a high quality and effect in classroom teaching, and stimulate the students’ enthusiasm to participate in the music, but also contributes to the communication and cooperation between teachers and students. Meanwhile, to strengthen the research on the effectiveness of classroom teaching is an important way to promote the classroom teaching effects.
Key Words:Primary and secondary schools; Music teaching; Effectiveness
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、创设情境激发兴趣,提高音乐课堂有效性 2
(一)用丰富的图画创设情境,提高音乐课堂实效性 2
(二)用丰富的语言创设情境,提高音乐课堂实效性 3
(三)用多媒体手段创设情境,提高音乐课堂实效性 4
二、引导学生主动参与音乐体验,提高音乐课堂有效性 5
三、面向全体学生注重个性发展,提高音乐课堂有效性 6
四、用合理有效的音乐教学评价,提高音乐课堂有效性 7
(一)运用激励性的评价 7
(二)评价方式的多样化 8
(三)评价对象的全面性 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10,3322

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