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更新时间:2016-10-13:  来源:毕业论文

初中学生生物学学习适应性的调查研究 摘  要:学习适应性是学生在学习过程中依据条件变化,主动调整自己的心态,以达到促进学习发展的能力。学习适应性问题也是初中生身心发展过程中常见的心理问题。为探究初中学生生物学学习适应性的状况及影响因素,以期为中学生的学习适应性教育提供指导。本研究通过问卷调查与访谈的方法,对初一学生的生物学学习方法、学习环境、学习品质及对中学生物教师教学方法等方面的适应状况进行分析研究。研究发现初一学生对中学的学习生活普遍存在不太适应的现象,其原因主要与学生学习方法、时间管理、人际关系及学习动机等因素有关。因此,有针对性的提出一些科学的、合理的指导方法,帮助初中学生提升学习的适应能力,尽快适应中学的学习生活。

Investigation and Study on the Adaptability of the Zhoukou Junior Middle School Students Biology Learning
Abstract: the learning adaptability of students in the learning process on the basis of condition change, take the initiative to adjust their own state of mind, and to promote the ability of learning and development. The common psychological problems of learning adaptability of junior high school students physical and mental development is also in the process of. For junior high school student biology learning status and influence factors of adaptability, in order to provide guidance for the education of middle school students' learning adaptability. This research through the questionnaire survey and interview methods, biology of junior middle school students learning methods, learning environment, learning quality and adapt to the situation of high school biology teachers' teaching method analysis. The study found the students of secondary school life exists generally do not adapt to the phenomenon, the reasons and the students' learning methods, time management, interpersonal relationship and learning motivation factors. Therefore, the proposed guidance method of some scientific, reasonable of junior middle school students, help to improve learning ability to adapt, adapt to secondary school life as soon as possible.
Key words: Zhoukou city; Biology; Learning adaptability; Investigation


摘  要 1
引言 2
1问题的提出 3
2研究过程与方法 3
2.1研究对象 3
2.2研究工具 3
2.3实施测试与数据处理 4
3研究结果与分析 4
3.1初中学生生物学学习方法的适应性 4
3.2初中学生对生物学教学方法的适应性 5
3.3初中学生学习环境的适应性 6
3.4初一学生学习动机的适应性 7
4思考与建议 7
4.1开设相关指导课程,增强学生的学习适应性 7
4.2营造良好学习环境,增强学生的学习氛围 7
4.3明确管理制度,增强学生时间观念 8
4.4加强人际沟通,增强学生的自主意识 8
参考文献 10
致谢 11
附录 12,3318

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