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更新时间:2016-10-9:  来源:毕业论文

摘  要:随着现代教育改革的推进,科学素养的培养已成为中学教育的重要目标。为了探究物理学史对中学生科学素养的影响,本文首先通过对中学生进行问卷调查和对个别学生进行访谈,了解他们的科学素养情况:对物理学知识的了解;对物理方法的了解和运用;对一些物理学家及物理学问题的态度及评价,并且了解他们学习物理学史的现状和意向及对教学中融入物理学史的态度。由此得出物理学史对中学生科学素养培养的影响,并总结出了有效地运用物理学史提高中学生的科学素养的途径。
Influence of Physics History in Middle School Students Scientific Literacy
Abstract: With the promotion of modern education reform, the cultivation of scientific literacy has become an important goal in middle school education. In order to explore the influence that the history of physics exerts on middle school students’ scientific literacy, firstly, middle school students’ scientific situation was known according to the questionnaire for middle school students and interviews on some students. Such as: their understanding situation of physics knowledge; their understanding and using situation of physics methods; their attitude and evaluation of some physicists and physics problems. Also their learning present situation on the history of physics and their attitude towards introducing physics history into the teaching can be known. Then it explained the affection that the history of physics had had on middle school students' scientific literacy. Last, it concluded the effective way to improve the scientific literacy of middle school students using the history of physics.
Key Words: Physics history; Scientific literacy; Middle school students;Physics teaching
目    录

摘要 1
引言 2
1. 中学生的科学素养现状调查 2
1.1 对物理学史知识的了解 2
1.2 对物理方法的了解与运用 3
1.3 对一些物理学家及物理学问题的态度及评价 4
1.4 学生学习物理学史的现状和意向 5
1.5 对教学中融入物理学史的态度 5
2. 物理学史对提高中学生科学素养的作用 6
2.1 物理学史有助于激发学生学习物理的兴趣 6
2.2 物理学史有助于学生掌握和理解物理知识 7
2.3 物理学史有助于学生理解和掌握物理方法 8
2.4 物理学史有助于培养学生的科学精神与态度 8
3. 运用物理学史提高学生科学素养的途径 9
3.1 在常规课堂教学中融入物理学史 9
3.2 在实验教学中融入物理学史 9
3.3 在课外实践活动中融入物理学史 10
4. 结束语 10
参考文献 10
附录1 12
附录2 12
致谢 14,3273

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