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更新时间:2016-9-11:  来源:毕业论文

初中生生物学学习动机及其影响因素的调查研究 摘  要:学习动机是影响学生学习活动及学习效率的关键因素,它与学生的学习态度、学习方法、学习效率、学习结果有着千思万缕的关系。为了解中学生的生物学学习动机及其影响因素,以便在教学中采取有效的指导策略。本文主要运用动机理论和中学生心理学发展特点对周口市初中学生生物学学习动机及其影响因素进行调查及分析研究。调查结果显示:初中学生生物学学习动机与社会、学校、家庭及个人均有很大的相关性,具体表现在教师的个性特点、学校建设、同学之间的交流与影响、父母对孩子学习的态度、亲朋好友从事职业、中学生的个性特点等影响因素。在此基础上提出激发学生学习动机的教学方法和措施,从而提高学生学习的积极性,培养学生良好的学习兴趣。
关键词: 中学生;生物学;学习动机;影响因素;教学措施

The Research of Middle School Students` Biology Learning Motivation and Influence Factors in Zhoukou City
Abstract: Study motivation is a key factor for students' studying process. which dominate the learning attitude, methods, efficiency, and outcomes. It is necessary understand the study motivation of high school students in detail before taking effective and specific strategies in teaching process. In this paper, motivational theory was used to investigate and analysis the Biology study motivation of the junior high school students in Zhoukou city. The survey show that students’ biological learning motivation correlates closely with society, school, family and individuals, for example, teachers' personality traits, school construction, the communication & influence between students, parents’ attitude at children’s learning, the profession of relatives & friends, students’ individuality, and so on. Based on this analysis, some teaching methods and measures are proposed to stimulate students’ learning motivation, thereby improving the students' enthusiasm and cultivating students' interest in learning.
Key words: Middle School student; Biology; Learning motivation; Influence factors; Teaching methods
目    录

摘  要 1
引言 2
1 问题的提出 2
2 研究对象及研究方法 3
2.1研究对象 3
2.2研究方法 3
2.2.1问卷调查的设计 3
2.2.2问卷调查的方法 4
3 调查结果分析 4
4 思考与建议 7
4.1学习动机及其影响因素 7
4.1.1 家庭、社会和学校教育对学生学习动机形成的影响 7
4.1.2 学生的个性特点对学习动机形成的影响 8
4.2培养学习兴趣、激发学习动机 9
4.2.1 明确学习目的,激发学习动机 9
4.2.2 运用灵活教法,吸引学生注意 9
4.2.3 运用情境设疑,引发学习兴趣 10
4.2.4 联系生活实践,增强学习兴趣 10
4.2.5 学习结果反馈,明确努力方向 11
4.2.6 利用榜样力量,争当先进人物 11
4.2.7 适时适当评价,激起进取愿望 11
参考文献 13
致 谢 15
附 录 16,3035

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