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高中地理差异教学研究+现状调查+实施理念+实施策略+案例设计 第2页

更新时间:2016-7-31:  来源:毕业论文
This paper is divided into seven chapters, the first chapter is the introduction, mainly illustrating the research background, research significance, research ideas and innovation, the domestic and foreign research situation;The second chapter is the theoretical basis of geographical differences in teaching, mainly illustrating the main content of teaching illustrate geographical differences and theoretical basis;The third chapter is the investigation of difference teaching in senior high school geography, this part ascertains the students' attitudes towards differential teaching through interviews and a questionnaire for the students, laying the foundation for the implementation of strategy for the next chapter;The fourth chapter is a implementation of the strategy idea and doctrine of differential teaching for geography in senior high school.The article points out that teachers should establish a correct concept of teaching, evaluation of the concept and the views of teachers and students, the implementation principle and adhere to the differences in teaching, in order not to deviate from the theme in the process of implementing difference teaching;The fifth chapter is implementation strategies of differential teaching for geography in senior high school, enunciating implementation strategies from students' test check, teaching objectives, teaching content, teaching methods, learning environment, assignments, individual counseling, teaching evaluation and teaching management;The sixth chapter is a case design for differential teaching of  senior high school geography, mainly validating the difference teaching through the design and analysis of the teaching results;The last chapter is the conclusion and deficiencies, mainly illustrating the important conclusions of this paper and indicating the deficiencies.
Keyword:The high school geography course;geographical differential teaching; implementation strategies 
目  录

摘  要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1问题的提出 1
1.1.1实施地理差异教学是促进教育公平的时代要求 1
1.1.2目前中国的教育发展需要实施地理差异教学 2
1.1.3地理新课程改革为差异教学提供了有利的环境 2
1.1.4地理教学的发展需要实施差异教学 2
1.2 国内外研究概述 3
1.2.1国外研究概述 3
1.2.2 国内研究概述 4
1.3 研究意义与研究思路 5
1.3.1研究目的 5
1.3.2研究意义 6
1.3.3本文创新点 6
1.3.4研究思路 6
2 地理差异教学的理论基础 8
2.1 地理差异教学的内涵 8
2.2 地理差异教学的理论基础 10
2.2.1教育心理学理论 10
2.2.2 系统科学理论 11
2.2.3 地理科学理论 12
2.2.4 地理课程与教学论 12
3 高中地理差异教学的现状调查 13
3.1高中地理教师对差异教学认识的访谈调查 13
3.1.1地理差异教学等同于地理分层教学 13
3.1.2在地理教学中被动处理学生的个性差异 13
3.1.3“一刀切”的地理教学方式依然存在 13
3.2高中学生对地理差异教学认识的问卷调查 14
3.2.1学生对地理差异教学的认识 14
3.2.2学生在地理学习过程中对自己与他人差异的认识 14
3.2.3学生对地理差异教学策略的认识 15
3.3高中地理差异教学的现状思考 16
4 高中地理差异教学的实施理念与实施原则 17
4.1 高中地理差异教学的教学观 17
4.1.1树立全面和谐发展的教学观 17
4.1.2树立生成的教学观 17
4.1.3树立互动的教学观 18
4.1.4树立以人为本的教学观 18
4.2高中地理差异教学的评价观 19
4.3高中地理差异教学的师生观 19
4.3.1教师是地理差异教学的设计者、引导者、合作者和评估者 19
4.3.2树立多层次的人才观 20
4.3.3树立差异性的学生观 20
4.3.4树立主体性的学生观 20
4.3.5树立发展性的学生观 20
4.4 高中地理差异教学的实施原则 21
4.4.1差异原则 21
4.4.2公平原则 21
4.4.3动态原则 22
4.4.4激励原则 22
5 高中地理差异教学的实施策略 23

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