The Equity Of Education: An Empirical Study on the pupils' sense of Justice
【Abstract】The author has conducted a survey which focuses on the sense of Justice by inviting students in the third grade and the fifth grade from Shi Shan Primary School in HuQiu ,SuZhou. Based on the research method combines the piaget's dual story method and kohlberg's dilemma story method, compiled using structured interview method, the respondents in the specific context so as to make a moral judgment, it reflected on the basis of analysis of moral principles.By analyzing the data and cases,the author draws the following conclusion: 1. Mainly on the basis of primary school students with behavioral consequences as a moral judgment. 2. However, due to differences in age, they are the basis of moral judgment is also different. 3. Most of the pupils approval should be equal allocation of resources, and rights. 4. When individuals in seeking to collective interest maximization should sacrifice behavior, rather than themselves. 5. Most of the students think that as long as the behavior motive is good, so his behavior is worthy of praise, moral good people should be given to the interests of the peer.
【Key words】Justice;The sense of Justice
一、研究缘起 1
二、选题意义及研究价值 1
三、文献综述 2
(一)儿童心理学有关道德发展的阶段及特征 2
(二)道德哲学的三种流派 3
(三)三种正义观念 5
(四)教育中的公平问题 6
四、问题界定 10
(一)基于行为本身的正义观 10
(二)基于行为后果的正义观 10
(三)基于行为者的正义观 10
五、概念界定 10
(一)正义 10
(二)正义感 10
(三)公平(公正) 11
(四)行为后果 11
(五)行为者 11
优、研究对象及范围 11
七、课题研究的基本假设 11
(一)小学生主要根据行为后果来判断事件是否正义 11
(二)小学生因其年龄不同,判断事件是否正义的判断依据有较大差异 11
(三)小学生在补偿原则与平等分配原则二者中更赞同补偿原则 11
(四)小学生反对只满足自己利益的行为,赞成个人为集体牺牲的行为 11
(五)小学生较赞同道德优秀者更应获利,认为行为动机好的行为就是正义的 11
八、研究设计 11
(一)结构式访谈 11
1.理论文度 12
2.访谈结构及其故事编制 12
(二)样本 14
(三)问卷发放 14
(四)问卷回收 15
(五)数据分析方法 15
九、研究结果 15
(一)关于各文度的频数分布 15
1.行为本身文度 15
2.行为后果文度 20
3.行为者文度 26
(二)对研究假设的检验 32
(三)受访者典型个案分析 37
十、结论 41
(一)小学生的三种正义观念 41
1.基于行为本身的正义观 41
2.基于行为后果的正义观 42
3.基于行为者的正义观 42
(二)小学生正义感的几个主要特征 43
十一、反思 43
1.调查样本有限 43
2.情境设计的不足 43
3.调查过程中的不足 43
参考文献 45
附录 46
致谢 48,2681
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