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跨国公司的国际税务筹划英文文献和翻译 第6页

更新时间:2014-11-13:  来源:毕业论文
costs and especially in horizontal integration of business tax authorities find it difficult to
assign the total cost to one particular entity because all of them simultaneously utilize the same pool to generate resources. However at the same time a slight manipulation in determining the arms length price may lead to a heavy tax evasion. An entity may also resort to shifting profits in a low tax regime country. It works as a strategy to reduce the
burden of tax on the entity
Drawbacks of the methodology.

1. It does not take into consideration the economic synergies resulting from working as a fully economically integrated group.
2. Third  party  dealings  (and,  therefore,  prices)  never  include  similar  economic synergies.
3. The cost of tangibles can be assessed as their market price can be ascertained easily but this proves ineffective when it comes to the contention regarding the transfer of Intellectual Property Rights or intangibles.
Tax haven

US Energy giant Enron for example owned 692 subsidiaries in the Cayman Islands in

2000, the year before it went bankrupt. In 1999 US-multinationals possessed 400 billion

US$ of untaxed earnings in offshore havens. By the end of 2002 the amount was about

639 billion US$. Companies for offshore purposes are now being established at the rate of around 150,000 per year. It has been estimated that nearly half本文来自优.文,论-文·网原文请找腾讯3249'114   tax competition have been aimed at discouraging tax practices defined as “harmful” because of their ability to distort trade and investment flows, cause shifts in the distribution of the tax burden, and impose constraints on other governments’ fiscal decisions by facilitating tax avoidance. The definition of a tax haven is generally based on the following criteria;
    no tax, or only nominal tax, on the relevant income;

    no effective exchange of information;

    lack of transparency; and  absence  of  a  requirement  that  substantial  activities  be  carried  on  in  the jurisdiction.

In response to the growing threat of the tax haven nations, the organization for economic cooperation OECD provided analytical framework for identifying jurisdictions engaged in harmful tax practices and in 1998, it notified 40 jurisdiction that were found to have

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