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更新时间:2011-10-29:  来源:毕业论文

PHP Online Judge System Abstract
ACM / ICPC (ACM International Collegiate ProgrammingContest, International Collegiate Programming Contest) is a long history and quite authoritative organization ACM (Association for Computing Machinery International Computer Association) sponsored, recognized as the world's largest and highest level of international Collegiate Programming Contest, which aims to help college students improve the use of computer analysis of issues and problem-solving abilities of the
 ACM Online Assessment System is a transaction processing platform, the contest judge, is based on B / S structure of the multi-user online system that allows users to problem solving and their code submitted online, the system automatically compiles and runs the referee gives the results of problem solving based on the number of users and the use of rank when discharged.
System architecture using the current Internet, the popular Web site architecture approach: LAMP (Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP), that the use of Linux as a server operating system, Apache as the Web server, MySQL as a database, PHP as server-side script interpreter . ZHBIT ACM Online Judge System development environment is set up under Ubuntu Linux Web server, Apache, MySQL as the database server simultaneously, PHP as server-side script interpreter, the integrated use of this platform PHP, C language, html, database technology for system development. Since this software is to follow the four open source GPL software, so do not spend a penny to use this approach can establish a stable, free web site system. That when built up after the system put into use immediately, without regard to copyright or other issues.原文请+QQ3249,114优.文^论,文'网h
Keywords: ACM / ICPC Online Judge PHP MYSQL Apache Linux 
目  录毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/
摘  要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1 开发背景 1
1.2 项目概述 1
1.3 开发工具 2
1.3.1 LINUX 2
1.3.2 APACHE 2
1.3.3 PHP 3
1.3.4 MYSQL 3
1.3.5 GCC 4
1.4 整体架构 4
1.4.1 B/S结构的概念 5
1.4.2 B/S结构的优势 5
1.4.3 B/S结构的劣势 6
1.4.4 前端WEB系统模型 6
1.5 源程序黑盒评测 7
1.6 守护进程 7
1.6.1 守护进程简介 7
1.6.2 守护进程特性 7
2 可行性分析 8
2.1 技术可行性 8
2.2 经济可行性 8
2.3 应用可行性 8
2.4 管理风险及管理可行性 8
3 需求分析 9
3.1 需求定义 9
3.2 具体用户分析 9
3.3 判题内核需求分析 10
3.3.1 判题内核需要实现功能 10
3.3.2 判题内核功能工作流程: 11
3.4 核心业务用例 12
3.4.1 详述用例文本 12
3.4.2 核心业务用例图 13
4 总体设计 14
4.1 系统结构设计 14
4.2 系统权限划分 14
4.3 系统功能划分 15
4.4 数据库设计 16
4.4.1 数据表 17
5 详细设计 20
5.1 系统架构 20
5.2 判题内核设计 21
5.2.1 守护进程 22
5.2.2 主进程进行编译 26
5.2.3 子进程执行测试程序 30
5.2.4 系统安全性 34
5.3 注册与登录 36
5.3.1 用户注册 36
5.3.2 登录系统 36
5.4 做题功能 37
5.4.1 题目浏览 37
5.4.2 进入做题 37
5.4.3 提交代码 38
5.4.4 查看状态 38
5.4.5 查看提交代码 39
5.4.6 重新编辑提交代码 39
5.4.7 查看错误信息 40
5.4.8 查看排名 40
5.5 用户相关 41
5.5.1 更改个人信息 41
5.6 参加比赛 41
5.7 管理员功能 42
5.7.1 增加特殊权限 42
5.7.2 手工增加题目 43
5.7.3 添加比赛 43
5.7.4 改变用户密码 44
6  测试及优化 45
6.1系统测试 45
6.1.1从测试者来分 45
6.1.2从测试内容来分 45
7  运行与文护 46
7.1运行所需的环境 46
7.2实施相关 46
7.3日常文护 46
总  结 47
参考文献 48
附  录 49
谢  辞 52,2116

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