目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
(一) 解读《新课程标准》对中学文言文诵读教学的基本要求2
(二) 《新课程标准》对中学文言文诵读教学的实施建议3
结语 12
参考文献 13
摘 要: 在素质教育的浪潮中,中学文言文教学的改革成为教学者不断探索的重要课题。《新课程标准》中要求文言文教学“文言常识的教学要少而精,重在提高学生阅读古诗文的能力。”因此,对中学文言文诵读教学的研究不仅有利于学生更好的理解文章内容,感知整篇文章的思想感情;还有利于提高学生的听、说、读、写能力;更有利于激发学生学习文言文的兴趣,实现学生为主体,老师为主导的新理念。本文力求从中学文言文诵读教学的解读、中学文言文教学在诵读能力培养中的缺失、中学文言文诵读能力的培养这三个层面探析中学文言文诵读教学。
Abstract: with the practice of education for all-round development, the revolution about teaching ancient Chinese has become an important subject. The new standard point out that ancient Chinese in middle school teaching should be less but essence. And the point is to promote students’ ability to read ancient Chinese. Therefore, a research about teaching ancient Chinese can help 原文请找腾讯752018766优,文-论^文"网http://www.chuibin.com comprehension, speaking ability, reading comprehension and writing ability. It also can stimulate students’ interest in learning ancient Chinese, thus it can realize the concept that the teachers play the leading role in teaching. My research develops such three aspects as an analysis about methods in teaching, a lack of reading ability and cultivation the ability to reading ancient Chinese in middle school.
关 键 词:中学文言文;诵读教学;解读;缺失;培养
Key words: ancient Chinese; reading in teaching; analysis; lack; cultivation1810