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更新时间:2011-4-22:  来源:毕业论文

Pre-school teachers’ professional  development  motivation is an  activity and behavior which actively promote pre-school teachers to take professional promotion, is an effective inner strength for teachers' professional development .Based on search and read the documents ,the author found that at  present  domestic  literatures on pre-school teachers’ professional development motivation research are also weak, the past research has focused on the  function of  population  variables of pre-school teachers' professional development  motivation, but lack of the overall  situation of this ,and the analysis of affecting factors is not  comprehensive , they are all lack of certain systemic, careful and  pertinence. Through daily  observation  the  author  also found that the  situation of  pre-school  teachers’ professional  development motivation directly affects the pre-school teachers’ efforts in the process of ascension, and also influence  them professional mature and professional achievements.
Using  questionnaires  and interviews, this paper took 680 pre-school teachers from the five representatives in Henan county, township, city and village kindergarten as research object, study their professional development motivation. Using SPSS11.5 software  carries on the analysis of variance, correlation  analysis and  regression analysis, data  analysis, and statistical  data, combining the  interviews documents, detaily showing the  situation of  pre-school  teachers’professional  development motivation. From the teachers' personal background factors, the physical environment of the kindergarten and the inner factors of the teachers, the  physical environment of the kindergarten and the social support   factors to analysis the various factors which influence the pre-school  teachers’ professional  development motivation. Research shows that:
The situation of pre-school teachers’ professional development  motivation has the following characteristics: the  teachers’ professional development motivation still need to further improve; there are big differences about the professional development motivation within the teacher group; the condition of teachers’ professional develop-
ment motivation present imbalance; teachers’ professional  development motivation is multidimensional coexist, no motive state can not be ignore.
The general  characteristics of  Influence  factors of  pre-school  teachers' professional   development motivation are as  follows: (1) The overall impact of the age, professional and academic, professional  nature and  salary status on pre-
school teachers' professional development motivation are  not  obvious. However, school age, occupation, marital  status and  health condition  impact the teachers' professional development motivation  clearly. (2) The location, type, resources and  economic condition of kindergarten have obvious influence on  pre-school teachers' professional development motivation, and the resources and economy condition is the core factor. (3) Among the pre-school teachers' implicit capacity factors,  teachers' social support, professional  development  selfefficacy, time planning  ability are important influencing factors on  pre-school teachers'  professional  development  motivation, and they hav e significant effect on the  total  motivation of pre-school teachers'. (4) The study atmosphere of kindergarten, cooperate culture, leadership, the evaluation mechanism, the experience of justice in working and the job prospects are important  factors which  affect  pre-school  teachers' professional development motivation ,and the evaluation mechanism of kindergarten is the core factor. (5) The help of leadership and colleagues, the recognition of friends, the understanding and support of families and the attention degree of the leadership have a significant impact on the kindergarten teachers' professional development 优,文-论'文.网http://www.chuibin.com the  relevant  research documents, this paper tried to put forward some  education suggestions  on how to improve the condition of pre-school teachers' professional development motivation;to improve the social recognition of the pre-school profession ;to carry  out the  democratic and justice kindergarten  leadership and  management; to establish the  pre-school teacher  evaluation system which  purpose is to  promote  development ; to improve the pre-school teachers' self planning ability; to enhance pre-school teachers' selfefficacy of professional development.
Keywords: motivation;professional development motivation; pre-school teachers’ professional development motivation
目  录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 I
第一部分  问题提出 1
一、研究缘起 1
二、研究意义 2
三、研究综述 2
(一)核心概念的界定 2
(二)幼儿教师专业发展动机的影响因素研究 5
(三)幼儿教师专业发展动机的影响因素研究现状 6
第二部分  研究设计 8
一、研究思路 8
二、研究目的 9
三、研究方法 9
(一)问卷法 9
(二)访谈法 9
四、研究对象 10
五、研究的工具与实施 10
(一)研究问卷的编制与试测 10
(二)数据的分析与处理 16
第三部分  幼儿教师专业发展动机状况的分析 18
一、总体动机状况分析 18
二、各文度动机状况分析 18
(一)各文度动机状况分析理想追求型动机状况 18
(二)兴趣愉悦型动机状况 19
(三)价值实现型动机状况 20
(四)责任依附型动机状况 21
(五)利益驱动型动机状况 22
(优)外力强迫型动机状况 23
(七)无动机状况 24
第四部分   幼儿教师专业发展动机的影响因素分析 25
一、教师个人背景因素与幼儿教师专业发展动机的关系研究 25
(一)年龄对教师专业发展动机的影响 25
(二)教龄对教师专业发展动机的影响 26
(三)职称对教师专业发展动机的影响 27
(四)职务对教师专业发展动机的影响 28
(五)学历对教师专业发展动机的影响 29
(优)专业性质类型对教师专业发展动机的影响 30
(七)婚姻状况对教师专业发展动机的影响 30
(八)健康状况对教师专业发展动机的影响 31
(九)薪水状况对教师专业发展动机的影响 32
二、幼儿园物质环境因素与幼儿教师专业发展动机的关系研究 32
(一)幼儿园位置对教师专业发展动机的影响 33
(二)幼儿园类型对教师专业发展动机的影响 34
(三)幼儿园的资源条件与经济状况对教师专业发展动机的影响 34
三、教师个人内隐因素与幼儿教师专业发展动机之间的关系研究 35
(一)从职动机对教师专业发展动机的影响 35
(二)职业价值认同对教师专业发展动机的影响 36
(三)职业角色认同对教师专业发展动机的影响 37
(四)时间管理能力对教师专业发展动机的影响 38
(五)专业发展效能感对教师专业发展动机的影响 39
(优)专业发展自主感对教师专业发展动机的影响 39
(七)专业发展观念对幼儿教师专业发展动机的影响 40
(八)专业发展阶段对教师专业发展动机的影响 40
四、幼儿园精神环境因素与幼儿教师专业发展动机的关系研究 41
(一)幼儿园的学习氛围对教师专业发展动机的影响 41
(二)幼儿园的合作文化对教师专业发展动机的影响 42
(三)幼儿园的领导方式对教师专业发展动机的影响 42
(四)幼儿园的评价机制对教师专业发展动机的影响 42
(五)工作中的公正体验对教师专业发展动机的影响 43
(优)成就知觉与工作前景期待对教师专业发展动机的影响 43
(七)学术科研交流对教师专业发展动机的影响 44
五、人际支持因素与幼儿教师专业发展动机的关系研究 45
(一)专家指导对教师专业发展动机的影响 45
(二)领导重视程度对教师专业发展动机的影响 46
(三)领导与同事帮助对教师专业发展动机的影响 46
(四)朋友的认可对教师专业发展动机的影响 47
(五)家庭的体谅与支持对教师专业发展动机的影响 47
优、主要影响因素的综合分析 48
(一)影响理想追求型动机的主要因素 48
(二)影响兴趣愉悦型动机的主要因素 49
(三)影响价值实现型动机的主要因素 50
(四)影响责任依附型动机的主要因素 50
(五)影响利益驱动型展动机的主要因素 51
(优)影响外力强迫型动机的主要因素 51
(七)影响无动机的主要因素 52
(八)影响总动机的主要因素 52
第五部分  讨论与建议 54
一、讨论 54
(一)幼儿教师专业发展动机状况的基本特征 54
(二)影响因素对幼儿教师专业发展动机作用的总体特点 55
二、教育建议 57
(一)提高全社会对于幼教职业的认可度 57
(二)实行民主公正化的幼儿园领导和管理 58
(三)确立以促进发展为目的的幼儿教师评价制度 58
(四)提高幼儿教师的自我规划能力 58
(五)增强幼儿教师专业发展的效能感 59
反思与展望 60
附  录 61
附录一  部分访谈资料摘录 61
附录二  幼儿教师专业发展句子完成测验 64
附录三  幼儿教师专业发展动机调查问卷 65
附录四  幼儿教师专业发展访谈提纲 68
参考文献 69
攻读硕士阶段主要科研成果 74
后  记 75,1759

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