摘 要
As the results of several in and abroad that teacher is an occupation with high working stress. Super working stress has negative impact on teachers,such as physical, psychological, behavioral and other aspects Which led to the emergence of symptoms of job burnout.And the kindergarte teachers also naturally become one of job burnout research focal point for its 优,文-论~文.网http://www.chuibin.com there is almost no research of the kindergarten teacher’s job burtout.
This research paper survered the Henan Province 335 kindergartners from different types of kindergartens.By using questionnaires and interviews,we discussed the relationship between kindergarten teacher’s social support and the level of burnout in order to provide the basis for effectively preventing job burnout of kindergarten teacher.
Use of statistical software SPSS16.0,we research the data through the item analysis,exploratory factor analysis,analysis of testing the reliability,and the relationship between the level of teachers burnout and social support are discussed.The results showed that:
1.Most kindergartener had the obvious job burnout symptom more or less,but the degree not extremely serious;
2.On the level of burnout,diversity among kindergarteners at the different qualification and age,is very significantly.
3.The social support which the majority of the kindergarten teachers could get is better than average in general.
4. Kindergarten teachers’social support and burnout was a significant negative correlation.
Based on the above conclution, the researcher put up with the following strategies and suggestions that prevention and mitigation of kindergarten teachers’job burnout.1.the suggestions for the teachers:(1) Learn to communicate, improve interpersonal skills;(2) Learn to control your emotions;(3) Enhance professional knowledge, promote the professional image.2.the suggestion for the kindergarten administers:(1) Strengthen the "people-oriented" management philosophy;(2)Give to the kindergarten teachers’ reasonable "payment".(3) the suggestion for the infants' parents and the society:(1) Improve the community's approval of kindergarten teachers;(2) Parents of a child care teachers to understand and respect.
Key words:social support;job burout;kindergarten teacher
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 前言 1
一 选题缘由 1
二 研究意义 2
(一)理论意义 2
(二)实践意义 2
三 研究综述 3
(一)有关社会支持的研究 3
(二)有关幼儿教师职业倦怠的研究 6
(三)有优^文-论~文.网http://www.chuibin.com 关社会支持与幼儿教师职业倦怠关系的研究 9
四 核心概念的界定 12
(一)幼儿教师的社会支持 12
(二)幼儿教师职业倦怠 12
第二章 研究设计 13
一 研究目的 13
二 研究假设 13
三 研究方法 13
(一)问卷法 13
(二)访谈法 13
四 研究对象 15
五 研究工具 15
(一)幼儿教师社会支持问卷 15
(二)幼儿教师职业倦怠问卷 15
优 统计工具和方法 16
第三章 研究结果与分析 17
一 幼儿教师社会支持的总体状况分析 17
二 幼儿教师职业倦怠的调查分析 17
(一)幼儿教师职业倦怠的总体状况 17
(二)职业倦怠的人口统计学分析 18
三 社会支持与幼儿教师职业倦怠的关系分析 27
(一)社会支持总分与职业倦怠总分的相关分析 27
(二)社会支持各文度与职业倦怠的相关分析 27
(三)社会支持对职业倦怠的多元回归分析 29
四 结论 31
第四章 讨论与建议 33
一 幼儿教师社会支持的总体状况 33
二 关于幼儿教师职业倦怠的讨论 34
(一)幼儿教师职业倦怠的现状 34
(二)影响幼儿教师职业倦怠的个体因素 35
三 影响幼儿教师职业倦怠的相关因素 39
(一)物质性支持与职业倦怠的关系 39
(二)情绪性支持与职业倦怠的关系 39
(三)尊重性支持与职业倦怠的关系 40
(四)信息性支持与职业倦怠的关系 41
(五)陪伴性支持与职业倦怠的关系 41
四 教育建议 42
(一)对幼儿教师的建议 42
(二)对幼儿园管理者的建议 43
(三)对幼儿家长及社会的建议 44
第五章 反思与展望 45
参考文献 46
中文类: 46
外文类: 48
附录 49
附录一:幼儿教师社会支持与职业倦怠问卷 49
附录二:访谈提纲 52
后 记 53,1754
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