基于以上研究,结合相关资料,对如何提高幼儿教师工作敬业度提出一些切实可行的建议:1. 加大幼儿教育发展中的政府财政投入,提高幼儿教师待遇;2. 给幼儿教师提供更多专业发展机会;3. 制定合理规章制度;4. 向幼儿教师提供更多的人文关怀;5.合理的控制幼儿园规模。
关键词:幼儿教师;工作敬业度; 幼儿教师工作敬业度
Positive Psychology has become an important force in contemporary psychology since its inception. Positive Psychology emphasis on the psychological life of the positive factors, such as happiness of oneself, virtue, strength, etc. In this context the work of engagement is made work. Engagement of pre-school teachers is a relatively stable psychological and behavioral characteristic. In the work its performances, work focused, work innovation, aggressive, persist activity, love jobs and work happily, teaching responsibility.
In this study, on the basis of the analysis literature of domestics and international engagement of the work, classify work engagement of the concepts, theories, defined the concept of work engagements. Reference previous questionnaire of work engagement of pre-school teachers and put out open-ended questionnaire. To pre-school teachers, child care teacher experts, pre-professional preparation of graduate students on the basis of interviews with child care teacher engagement self-优,文-论'文.网http://www.chuibin.com engagement is a positive construct, so it is easy to get.
So I prepared questionnaire of other teacher assesses to support the self-assessment questionnaire of pre-school teacher engagements. The self-assessment questionnaire of pre-school teacher engagement, its overall internal consistency coefficient is 0.9083. Questionnaire of other teacher assesses pre-school teacher engagements internal consistency coefficient of 0.941. All are above the acceptable level of 0.5. Furthermore, the self-assessment questionnaire and questionnaire of other teacher assesses preschool teacher engagement is medium-related, the correlation coefficient is 0.635, it shows that self-assessment questionnaire have a high reliability and validity.
In this study, according to the level of economic development in Henan Province, the object of survey stratified random sampling. Select Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, Zhoukou, Luoyang, Xinxiang of Henan Province, and Huizhou of Guangdong 600 pre-school teachers to assess themselves. Corresponding to the self-assessment questionnaire ,selected 300 preschool teachers to assess self-assessment .
Use of statistical software SPSS 16.0, we research the date through the Analysis of variance, Correlation analysis, regression analysis; study the status of preschool teachers engagement.
The result shows that: the whole level of pre-school teacher engagement need to be further improved. Different wages, school size, educational background, marriage, different work experience, child care teacher engagement were significantly different. Different positions, different sex work kindergarten teacher engagement was not significantly different.
Based on these studies, combined with information, I’d like to make some practical suggestions to improve preschool teachers engagement: 1.The government should increase financial input in during pre-school education development to improve the treatment of pre-school teachers; 2. Pre-school teachers should be given more professional development opportunities;3. Reasonable rules and regulations should be made;4. Please give pre-school teachers more humane care.5. Control kindergarten scale reasonably
Key Words: Pre-school teacher, work engagement, work engagement of pre-school teacher
中文摘要 I
第一章 问题的提出 1
一、研究缘起 1
二、研究意义 2
(一)理论意义 2
(二)实践意义 2
三、研究综述 3
(一)核心概念的厘定 3
(二)相关概念的辨析 4
(三)工作敬业度研究 5
(四)有关教师工作敬业度研究 7
(五)幼儿教师工作敬业度研究现状 8
(优)工作敬业度的理论模型 9
第二章 研究设计与实施 12
一、研究目的 12
二、研究方法 12
(一)问卷法 12
(二)访谈法 12
三、研究对象的选择 12
四、研究工具 13优,文-论'文.网http://www.chuibin.com
(一)幼儿教师工作敬业度自评问卷的编制 13
(二)幼儿教师工作敬业度他评问卷的编制 18
(三)幼儿教师工作敬业度自评问卷和他评问卷相关分析 20
五、统计工具和方法 21
第三章 结果与分析 22
一、幼儿教师工作敬业度的总体情况 22
二、幼儿教师工作敬业度的人口统计学变量分析 23
(一)不同性别幼儿教师工作敬业度比较 24
(二)不同年龄幼儿教师工作敬业度比较 24
(三)不同工作年限幼儿教师工作敬业度比较 25
(四)不同婚姻状况幼儿教师工作敬业度比较 29
(五)不同学历状况幼儿教师工作敬业度比较 30
三、职业背景因素分析 31
(一)园所规模因素 31
(二)园所类型因素 32
(三)任教园所因素 33
(四)职务因素 34
(五)工资因素 35
四、各因素间回归分析 37
五、结论 39
(一)幼儿教师工作敬业度的一般特点 39
(二)幼儿教师工作敬业度的人口统计学变量 39
(三)幼儿教师的职业背景因素 40
第四章 讨论与建议 41
一、幼儿教师工作敬业度的总体状况 41
二、关于幼儿教师工作敬业度的讨论 41
(一)人口统计学变量的讨论 41
(二)职业背景因素的讨论 43
三、影响幼儿教师工作敬业度的因素讨论 44
(一)社会支持因素 44
(二)专业发展机会 45
(三)工作年限因素 46
四、提高幼儿教师工作敬业度建议 46
(一)对幼儿教师的建议 46
(二)对幼儿园方面的建议 47
(三)对学前教育政策法规方面的建议 49
第五章 反思与展望 51
一、本研究创新之处 51
二、本研究的局限和未来研究设想 51
(一)本研究的局限 51
(二)未来研究设想 52
参考文献 53
附录I 57
附录II 58
附录III 60
附录IV 62
附录V 64
后记 66,1748
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