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更新时间:2011-4-6:  来源:毕业论文

 袁新新   中文摘要幼儿教师实践知识是幼儿教师在日常教学活动中形成对幼儿园教育教学活动的个人化理解,对幼儿教师自身成长有着重要的作用。关注幼儿园新手教师实践知识的发展,有助于新手教师转化自己所学的教育理论,积累教学的经验,促进教师的成长。
关键词:幼儿园新手教师   教师实践知识  日常教学活动
Kindergarten teacher’s practical knowledge is the personalization comprehension of teaching and education in kindergarten. It forms in kindergarten teacher’s daily teaching activity, and plays an important role in teacher’s professional development. Concerning about the development of newly qualified kindergarten teacher’s practical knowledge in his/her early teacher career, which is useful to translate the teaching theory into teaching practice, accumulate 优,文-论'文.网http://www.chuibin.com/ related research about teacher’s practical knowledge at home and abroad, this paper combs out the concept of practical knowledge and some other theory. This research analyzed the basic content of newly qualified kindergarten teacher’s practical knowledge and influencing factors. The paper used qualitative research method,and take Observation Method, Experts Investigation, Text Analysis and so on. The researcher followed the W teacher for up to 2 moths and collected a large number of the first hand information. The paper formed a preliminary study about the W teacher’s practical knowledge.
The main conclusions of this paper are induced as follows: 1.Although the newly qualified kindergarten teachers new at job, but they also have some necessary knowledge for a real teacher; 2.In comparison, newly qualified kindergarten teacher have stronger desire to acquire more practical knowledge; 3.Daily teaching experience and teaching reflection are the key factor of practical knowledge; 4.The knowledge of kindergarten class management and kindergarten care have biggest changes; 5.New at job, newly qualified kindergarten teacher are focus on the theirs task, then they pay more attention to children’s needs and interests.
Based on the result, I venture to put forth the following suggestions: 1. Newly qualified kindergarten teacher must have correct attitude towards teaching puzzledom and the conflict between theory & reality. They should persistently do daily teaching reflection and research in order to enhance their teaching experience and successfully achieve the transition from student to real teacher; 2. The kindergarten should supply good environment, time, space and opportunity support for newly qualified kindergarten teacher; 3. Teacher training institute should add the knowledge of kindergarten class management and kindergarten care. Besides, teacher training institute should supply more opportunity of continuity actual teaching for preschool education student. These will be beneficial to the formation of the newly qualified kindergarten teacher’s practical knowledge and the professional development.
KeyWords: Newly Qualified Kindergarten Teacher, Teacher’s Practical Knowledge, Daily Teaching Activity        目录
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
第一部分 引言 1
1选题缘由 1
2研究意义 3
2.1理论意义 3
2.2实践意义 3
3文献综述 3
3.1有关教师实践知识的研究 4
3.2有关幼儿教师实践知识的研究 8
3.3有关新手教师实践知识的研究 9
4概念界定 9
4.1教师实践知识 9
4.2新手教师 11
第2部分 研究设计 13
1研究取向 13
2研究方法 13
2.1访谈法 14
2.2观察法 14
2.3文本分析法 15
3研究过程 15
3.1研究对象的选择 15
3.2进入研究现场 16
3.3研究资料的收集和整理 17
3.4研究报告的撰写 18
4研究的信度和效度 19
4.1信度问题 19
4.2效度问题 19
5研究的伦理道德问题 20
第3部分 新手教师实践知识结构及其影响因素分析 21
1新手教师所处教育活动现场及其个人成长经历描述 21
1.1新手教师所在J幼儿园整体情况描述 21
1.2新手教师所在大二班班级情况描述 22
1.3新手教师个人成长经历 23
2新手教师实践知识结构的解读与分析 31
2.1新手教师关于自我知识的解读与分析 31
2.2新手教师关于学习者发展知识的解读与分析 34
2.3新手教师关于班级经营和管理知识的解读与分析 36
2.4新手教师关于课程与教学知识的解读与分析 40
2.5新手教师关于保育知识的解读与分析 43
2.6新手教师关于与家长沟通和交流知识的解读与分析 44
3影响新手教师实践知识结构的因素分析 47
3.1个人因素 48优,文-论'文.网http://www.chuibin.com/
3.2组织因素 49
第4部分 结论和教育启示 53
1研究结论 53
1.1幼儿园新手教师虽然初为人师,但是她们仍然有一定的成为真正教师所必须的实践知识积累 53
1.2相对于老教师而言,幼儿园新手教师在某种程度上有更强烈的获取知识的愿望 53
1.3日常教学经验与反思是影响幼儿园新手教师实践知识形成的关键因素 53
1.4从实践知识内容变化上来讲,班级管理知识和幼儿园保育教育知识的变化最大 54
1.5从新手教师实践知识的关注点来看,新手教师由任教初期更多关注自身任务的完成到后来慢慢转向关注幼儿的兴趣和需要 54
2教育启示 55
2.1对新手教师个人的建议 55
2.2对幼儿园的建议 55
2.3对师资培训机构的建议 56
第5部分 反思与展望 57
1研究的不足 57
1.1研究时间的限制 57
1.2资料收集方面的限制 57
2未来研究设想 57
参考文献 58
附录 63
附录1  新手教师实践知识发展访谈提纲 63
附录2  访谈实录 66
附录3  观察实录 71
后记 73,1732

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