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更新时间:2016-11-10:  来源:毕业论文

立顿品牌的营销策略分析 摘要:自上个世纪80年代年以来,中国茶饮料市场具有突飞猛进的发展,同时,茶饮料的竞争也随之日益激烈。立顿起初进入中国内地时,并未引起大陆其他茶企的警觉,但经过其10余年的蛰伏,凭借其强大的品牌效应、雄厚的资金注入、先进的管理经验、卓越的营销方式,长期独占行业之首位。本文拟从其高超的营销策略入手,试图在网络营销战略理论框架的基础上,通过研究其实践经验,总结出其中的规律,以供行业参考。
    本文共分为优章,第一章是绪论,介绍研究背景、研究意义和文献综述。主要是介绍了改革开放以来,我国饮料行业才刚刚起步,经验尚浅,立顿品牌的加入,让我们发展行业存在不少问题;第二章简单介绍了立顿在中国的发展情况。主要介绍了立顿在中国的发展历程,叙述了在中国的产品线和现有产品系列;第三章是对立顿的营销环境做了分析。第四章是本文的重点,详细分析了立顿在中国的具体的营销策略以及目标消费者和产品定位。第五章是讲立顿在中国是如何实施营销策略的。第优章是分析了立顿营销策略成功实施的主要原因,本文来自优/文(论"文?网,毕业论文 www.chuibin.com 加7位QQ324~9114找原文在立顿成功的营销经验启示下,中国本土企业所存在的问题,旨在让本土企业能从中得到受到启发,从而制定出适合自己的营销策略。7000吨框式压机压头工作台同步转动系统的设计+CAD图纸
Abstract:Since the reformation and opening policy, especially the Chinese drink market, the tea drinks market has unceasingly developed, prospered gradually, simultaneously, the competition is also intense along with it day by day. Lipton as the world tea drinks industry giant, since had returned to the Chinese market, relies on its formidable brand, the abundant fund, the advanced management, the remarkable marketing, Lipton has become the new home head of the profession. This article draws up from its excellent marketing strategy obtains, attempts to apply the marketing strategy theories frame as foundation, through its experiences analysis, rules summary, offers the professional references.
This article divides into six chapters. The first chapter is the research background introduction, research significance and literature summary. Mainly introduced since the reformation and opening policy, with the fast development of our national drink industry, it has become one of our fastest development and most potential industries, but with the competition becoming more and more intense, many other problems occurred. The second chapter simply introduced Lipton's development in china. The third chapter is the analysis of the Lipton marketing environment. Emphasize on the analysis of Lipton macroscopic and industrial environment. It analyzes the Lipton market competition as well as its market niche strategy. The fourth chapter summaries the emphases and key points of this article focus on the analysis of Lipton in China's marketing concrete strategy. Mainly analyzes the marketing establishment and maintenance, The fifth chapter introduces the execution of Lipton 's marketing strategy in china which base on the analysis of organizational structure design, the Lipton cultural reconstruction and the staff development program; The sixth chapter discusses about the enlightenment and inspiration that offers for china local enterprises, which is also one of the article objectives, through the detail analysis of Lipton 's successful marketing experiences and the questions which exist
Key Words: target market;product zone;localization;the strategy of marketing
目  录
引  言 1
一、绪论 2
(一) 研究背景 2
(二) 研究意义 3
(三) 文献综述 4
二、立顿品牌的发展概况 7
(一)立顿品牌的发展历程 7
(二)立顿品牌在中国的发展历程分析 7
三、立顿品牌中国市场的营销环境分析 9
(一) 宏观环境分析 9
1.政治法律环境 9
2.人口与经济环境 9
3.自然与社会文化环境 10
4.科学技术环境 11
(二) 产业环境分析 11
1.新加入者威胁 12
2.现有竞争者的抗衡 12
3.替代品的压力 13
4.供应商和购买商讨价还价的能力 14
5.消费者行为分析 14
(三) 市场竞争战略分析 15
1.立顿品牌战略分析 15
2.市场竞争地位策略 17
四、立顿品牌中国市场的STP分析 18
(一) 市场细分 18
(二) 目标市场 18
(三) 市场定位 19
五、立顿品牌中国市场的营销策略分析 21
(一) 产品策略 21
(二) 促销策略 21
(三) 分销策略 22
(四) 价格策略 22
优、立顿品牌中国市场营销策略实施成功的主要原因分析 24
(一)优质产品的提供 24
(二)大众化的价格 24
(三)分销体系的完善 24
(四)持久而独具特色的推广 25
结 论 26
参考文献 28,3610

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