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更新时间:2016-11-8:  来源:毕业论文

C#彩色图像的直方图及其均衡化处理程序设计摘要: 彩色数字图像直方图均衡化技术能够更好展示图像中的不同细节,对过曝或曝光不足、太亮或者太暗的图像非常有用。文中讨论了图像的均衡化处理原理,即把原始图像的各分量像素的直方图从比较集中的某个区间变换到整个像素范围内。直方图的均匀分布化,即对图像空间进行了非线性拉伸,重新分配图像像素值,从而改善了图像质量。但均衡化使得图像的像素范围变窄,甚至使某些细节消失。总体上通过直方图均衡化技术增强了图像的对比度,改变图像的实际显示效果。论文还介绍了彩色数字图像的概念和多种表示格式,以C#语言进行程序设计,利用GDI+实现系统与绘图程序的信息交换,改善了图像细节,使图像更加清晰美观。
关键词: 数字图像;彩色图像;直方图;均衡化;图像空间转换
 Designed Program of Color Image Histogram and Equalization Processing
Abstract:  Many image details can be displayed by color image histogram equalization technology. It is very useful for excessive exposure or underexposure, too bright or too dark images. This paper is mainly discussed the principle of the image equalization processing, which is bring the original image pixels of the components in the histogram from a more concentrated region varies into the whole pixel range. The histogram of the uniform distribution that is linearly stretches the image space, redistribution image pixel values, so as to improve the image quality. But equalization makes the image pixel range narrowed, and even dispel some details. Overall through histogram equalization technique, it can enhance the image contrast, change the image of the actual display effect. Paper also introduces the concept of color digital images and a variety of formats, with C# programming language, using GDI+ to realize information exchange system and drawing program. It improved the image details and let the image more clear and beautiful.
Keywords: Digital image; Color image; Histogram; Equalization; Image space conversion.
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 ii
1 数字图像处理概述 1
1.1 数字图像技术概述 1
1.1.1 图像与图像处理 1
1.1.2 计算机中的图像 2
1.1.3 Bitmap图像结构 4
1.2 C#语言概述 6
1.2.1 面向对象的C#语言 7
1.2.2 C#的图像处理基础 8
2 彩色图像原理及其直方图和均衡化 10
2.1 彩色图像原理 10
2.1.1 三原色原理 10
2.1.2 计算颜色模型 11
2.1.3 工业颜色模型 12
2.1.4 视觉颜色模型 14
2.1.5 颜色空间及转换 15
2.2 直方图及均衡化处理算法 19
2.2.1 彩色图像直方图 19
2.2.2 彩色图像直方图均衡化思想 19
2.2.3 彩色图像直方图均衡化算法 19
3 彩色图像的直方图及其均衡化处理程序设计 23
3.1 BMP类设计 23
3.2 彩色图像的直方图均衡化设计 24
4 彩色图像的程序实现 28
4.1 图像评价标准 28
4.1.1 客观评价标准 28
4.1.2 主观评价标准 29
4.2 彩色图像的直方图均衡化程序处理 29
4.2.1 直方图的绘制 29
4.2.2 直方图均衡 33
5 结论 39
5.1 小结 39
5.2 展望 39
致谢 40
参考文献 41
附录 42,3599

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