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更新时间:2016-10-23:  来源:毕业论文

民营企业公司治理问题研究+我国民营企业公司治理及面临的问题 摘要:随着中国改革的不断发展和深入,民营企业开始逐渐在中国兴起,并成为了我国国民经济发展的重要力量和推动市场经济改革的主要动力之一。在我国经济的发展过程中,民营企业因其变化灵活的经营方式,表现出了较强的适应性,在经济总量中的比重逐步提高,成为财政收入的重要来源。虽然自改革开放以来,我国的民营企业取得了不俗的成绩,但总的来说,民营企业在发展中还是遇到了不少问题,如非国民待遇、规模偏小、技术落后、产业结构相似、企业家素质不高以及公司治理不规范等。本文研究的目的在于从我国民营企业目前的现状和面临的困境入手,通过公司治理的基本理论框架分析我国民营企业公司治理存在的问题,并通过分析治理问题提出改善和优化民营企业公司治理的措施,为使民营企业走向成熟并实现向现代企业制度的转变提供一定的指导作用。
Private enterprises corporate governance problem research
Abstract: With the continuous development of China's reform and further, the private enterprise in China gradually began to rise, and became the development of our national economy and an important force to promote the reform of the market economy is one of the main driving force. In the development of our national economy in the process, the private enterprise change because of its flexible mode of operation, showed a strong adaptability, in the proportion of total economic output gradually improve, become an important source of revenue. Although since reform and opening-up, China's private enterprises have made great achievements, but in general, the private enterprise in developing or encountered a number of problems, such as the national treatment, small scale, backward technology, industrial structure similarity, entrepreneurs quality is not high and corporate governance is not standard, etc. The purpose of this study is from our country private enterprise current situation and facing dilemma of corporate governance through the basic theory frame analysis our country private enterprise management existing problems, and through the analysis of management question to put forward the improvement and optimization of the private enterprise management measures, for the private enterprise to the maturity and realize the transformation of modern enterprise system to provide some guidance.
Keywords: Private enterprises; Fiscal revenue; Management; measures

目 录

(一)我国民营企业概述 4

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