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更新时间:2016-10-7:  来源:毕业论文

中欧贸易对我国经济和就业的影响分析 摘  要:中欧贸易使中国的进出口能力得到提升,其贸易顺差增加了我国财政收入,欧盟对华投资更是促进了中国经济发展。然而中欧贸易存在着许多的问题,对我国经济和就业均产生了重大的影响。尤其在2009年欧洲债务危机爆发以后,中欧进出口贸易增速减慢,中国对欧盟的贸易环境恶化,中国出口商的贸易融资更加困难,中国的就业形势也受到了影响。面对严峻的中欧贸易关系,我国政府应该调整对外贸易发展战略,提高应对贸易摩擦的防护意识,并把握机遇积极开发新的道路。

China-EU Trade on China's Economic and Employment Impact Analysis
Abstract: China-EU trade has enhanced China's import and export capacity and its surplus has increased China's fiscal revenue. EU investment in China has promoted the development of China's economy. Nevertheless, there are many problems in the China-EU trade, impacting on the amount, structure and pay of employment in China. Especially after the outbreak of the debt crisis in Europe in 2009, China and the EU's import and export trade growth slowed down, China- EU trade environment went worse, and trade financing became more difficult for Chinese exporters. Employment situation was also influenced. Facing with tough EU-China trade relations, the Chinese government should adjust its foreign trade development strategy and improve the awareness of protection to deal with trade friction, and grasp the opportunity to explore a new road actively.
Key Words: EU-China trade; Employment; Trade friction
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、中欧贸易概况 2
(一)中欧贸易的历史和现状 2
(二)中欧贸易的特点 3
二、中欧贸易对我国经济的影响 4
(一)中欧贸易对我国经济的积极影响 4
(二)中欧贸易对我国经济的消极影响 6
三、中欧贸易对我国就业的影响 8
(一)中欧贸易对我国就业的积极影响 8
(二)中欧贸易对我国就业的消极影响 9
四、中欧贸易对我国经济和就业消极影响的应对策略 10
(一)应对中欧贸易对我国经济消极影响的策略 10
(二)应对中欧贸易对我国就业消极影响的策略 12
参考文献 14
致谢 14,3231

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