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更新时间:2016-10-1:  来源:毕业论文

大学生就业SWOT分析论文+SWOT分析图表 摘 要:面对近年来,河南省大学生就业所面临的严峻形势,本文通过SWOT分析法对大学生本人所具有的优劣势、影响大学生就业的机会与威胁等因素等作出综合分析,根据分析结果从大学生自身,国家及河南省、高校与企业等四个方面提出大学生要充分利用专业知识和独立自主的思考能力等优势积极就业,转变传统就业观念和不正确的价值观等增强竞争力;国家及河南省要认真落实各项大学生就业措施增加就业机会;河南省高校应转变人才培养模式,建立就业指导服务体系;企业应转变用人观念,注重优秀人才储备等。通过这些手段或方法缓解当前大学生就业压力,给正在就业探索阶段的河南省大学生指明道路。

A SWOT Analysis of University Students' Employment in Henan Province
Abstract: In recent years, college students are facing the severe employment situation in Henan province, in this article, we have comprehensively analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of college students and those factors that affect college students' employment opportunities and threats through the SWOT. According to the results which come from the students, the universities of the Henan province and the country, and company, we can find that the students should make full use of the advantage of the professional knowledge and independent thinking for being better employed, transferring the concept of employment and the false value in order to strengthen competiveness. National and Henan province should earnestly implement various measures to increase the chance of university students' employment; Colleges and universities in Henan province should change personnel training mode, and establish the employment guidance service system. Besides each enterprise should transfer the concept of employment as well as pay attention to the reserve of talent, etc. Through the means or methods, the government can solve the employment pressure of .the current college students, and point out a promising way for the exploring students.
Key Words: University Student; Employment; SWOT Analysis
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、河南省大学生就业SWOT分析的意义 2
(一)SWOT的含义 2
(二)大学生就业SWOT分析的意义 2
二、河南省大学生就业SWOT分析 3
(一)河南省大学生就业优势(Strengths)分析 3
(二)河南省大学生就业劣势(Weaknesses)分析 4
(三)河南省大学生就业机会(Opportunities)分析 5
(四)河南省大学生就业威胁(Threats)分析 6
三、河南省高校大学生就业对策 8
(一)大学生要充分发挥优势,积极就业 8
(二)大学生要克服自身劣势,增强竞争力 8
(三)国家及河南省要认真落实措施增加大学生就业机会 9
(四)河南省高校与企业要采取措施解决大学生就业威胁 9
参考文献 12
致谢 13,3204

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