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更新时间:2016-9-25:  来源:毕业论文

中牟大蒜产品营销中存在的问题及对策研究 摘  要:中牟县大蒜产品驰名海内外,但是近年来由于各种内外因素的影响,中牟县大蒜市场较为混乱。要大力加强服务体系建设、在大蒜销售过程中引入4PS销售理念、培训专业的大蒜经纪人、建立全方位的营销渠道、积极开展大蒜产品的精深加工,以促进中牟县大蒜产品市场的健康发展。


On the problems and Countermeasures of Zhongmu garlic product marketing
    Abstract: Zhongmu is known as "garlic Township" said, garlic product variety, exports accounted for about 70% of the national total. But in recent years China's garlic market confusion, price fluctuations, to garlic product sales increased many uncertain factors. This article from the current situation of the development of Zhong mu garlic industry, analysis of a favorable situation exists garlic market in the current unfavorable situation, analyzes the existing problems in the Zhongmu garlic product marketing on the basis of this, put forward the corresponding countermeasures. And from a new perspective, the garlic products marketing strategy from the perspective of garlic producer.
    keyword: Garlic;marketing;status;problem;countermove
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract  1
一、中牟大蒜市场发展现状 2
(一)中牟大蒜产品发展的现状 2
(二)大蒜产品市场发展的有利态势 4
(三)大蒜产品市场发展的不利态势 5
二、中牟大蒜产品在营销中存在的问题 7
(一)大蒜市场服务体系不健全 7
(二)蒜农营销观念陈旧 8
(三)专业大蒜经纪人缺乏 8
(四)营销渠道单一 9
(五)大蒜产品深加工不够 9
三、中牟大蒜产业营销对策分析 10
(一)大力加强服务体系的建设 10
(二)引入4P’S营销理念 10
(三)培训专业的大蒜经纪人 11
(四)建立全方位的营销渠道 11
(五)积极开展大蒜产品精深加工 12
四、结束语 12
参考文献 13
致谢 14,3155

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