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更新时间:2016-9-25:  来源:毕业论文

亚马逊书店网络营销的创新分析 摘  要:近年来,随着时代与科技的进步,网络技术得到普遍的应用和发展,网络营销已深入人心,并逐渐成为营销的主流方式之一。亚马逊书店[ 亚马逊书店以下简称亚马逊.]是世界上销量最大的书店,本文主要以亚马逊书店为例详细分析了网上书店的营销策略及创新之处。目前,我国网上书店在实施网络营销时,多半还处于探索阶段,其营销策略存在着诸多不足之处,如欠缺对品牌的塑造。通过分析亚马逊书店的营销策略及创新点,我国网上书店可以借鉴其仓库布局的创新、对传统广告的新式应用、服务软件的创新以及供应模式的创新,不断更新营销手段与方式,进而得到更好的生存发展空间。

Amazon Bookstore Network Marketing Innovation Analysis
Abstract: In recent years, with the development of the times and technology, network technology have got widely application and development, network marketing has win commonly support and gradually become one of the mainstream of marketing. Amazon.Amazon bookstore is the biggest selling bookstore in the world. In this paper, Innovation mode of network marketing of the Amazon online bookstore will be given a detailed overview. At present, China's book industry is still at the exploratory stage in the implementation of internet marketing, and there are many deficiencies in its marketing consciousness and practice. Through the study of "the Amazon model", China's book industry can learn from their warehouse layout innovations, new applications for traditional advertising, services, software innovation and supply model of innovation, and updated marketing tools and methods constantly, and then it can get better survival and development of space.
Key Words: Amazon bookstore; Marketing Strategy; Innovation Analysis
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、网络营销概述 2
(一)网络营销的概念 2
(二)网络营销的理论基础 3
二、亚马逊书店的发展概况和营销策略 3
(一)亚马逊书店的发展概况 3
(二)亚马逊书店的营销策略 4
三、亚马逊书店网络营销的创新分析 6
(一)亚马逊书店在发展过程中存在的问题 6
(二)亚马逊书店采取的创新策略 7
四、亚马逊书店网络营销的创新对我国网上书店营销的启示 9
(一)我国网上书店营销存在的问题 9
(二)加强我国网上书店营销的对策和建议 10
参考文献 13
致谢 14,3154

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