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更新时间:2016-9-25:  来源:毕业论文

肯德基与麦当劳营销策略比较研究及对我国餐饮业发展的启示 摘  要:随着人们生活水平的不断提高和生活节奏的加快,快餐已经成为我们生活中不可缺少的一部分。肯德基与麦当劳成功进驻中国市场,并且深受消费者喜爱。肯德基与麦当劳之所以能够在我国取得良好效益,很大一部分原因在于其成功的营销策略,如产品策略、价格策略、促销策略等。在对肯德基、麦当劳的营销策略进行深入对比分析的基础上,从连锁化、标准化、国际化、营销理念等方面给我国餐饮业以启示,对餐饮企业应该进行规范化管理,扩大企业规模,走国际化道路,从根本上解决我国餐饮业当前小、散、弱的发展状态。

A Comparative Study of KFC and McDonald's Marketing Strategy
Abstract: Along with the improvement of living standards and life rhythm speeding up, fast food has become an indispensable part of people's life. KFC and McDonald's successful entered the our country's market and such popular among the consumers. KFC and McDonald’s are able to achieve good benefit in our country a large part of the reason lies in its successful marketing strategies. Such as product strategy, pricing strategy, marketing strategy, etc.On basis of in-depth analysis the marketing strategies between KFC and McDonald from aspects of the chaining, standardization, internationalization and marketing concept give enlightenment to the food and beverage industry in our country. Standardized management of the catering business, expand business scale, the path of internationalization,
fundamentally solve development of the restaurant industry which is small, scattered and weak state.
   Key words: Fast food restaurants; Marketing strategy; A comparative analysis
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、营销策略的内涵 2
(一)营销策略的概念 2
(二)营销策略的重要性分析 2
二、麦当劳及肯德基中国市场营销策略 3
(一)麦当劳在中国的营销策略 3
(二) 肯德基在中国的营销策略 5
三、麦当劳与肯德基营销策略比较探析 6
(一)产品策略的比较 6
(二)价格策略的比较 7
(三)促销策略的比较 7
(四)营销渠道的比较 8
四、对我国餐饮业发展的启示 8
(一)产品策略的借鉴 9
(二)产品促销的借鉴 9
(三)营销渠道策略的借鉴 9
(四)价格策略的借鉴 10
参考文献 11
致  谢 12,3131

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