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更新时间:2016-9-21:  来源:毕业论文

我国旅行社关系营销存在的问题及对策 摘  要:旅行社关系营销是在传统的市场营销的基础上,根据旅行社行业特有发展状态而发展起来的新兴理论。文章从目前我国旅行社关系营销的现状出发,指出我国旅行社存在对顾客关系管理不当、忽视内部市场、与竞争者盲目竞争、对供应商市场管理不健全以及与影响者市场缺乏良性合作等问题,并提出以顾客为中心,注重增进与顾客感情;关注内部市场,培养员工忠诚;协作与竞争者关系,合作共赢;实施供应商关系营销,优化供应商关系;积极开展影响者关系营销,树立良好的社会形象等解决对策,为促进旅行社行业健康发展提供借鉴。

The Existing Problems and Countermeasures of Chinese Travel Agencies Relationship Marketing
Abstract: The travel agency relationship marketing is an emerging theory on the basis of traditional marketing, according to the specific development of travel agency. In line with the status quo of Chinese travel agency relationship marketing, this paper pointed out the existing problems of travel agencies, such as the improper management of customer relationship; ignoring the internal market; blind competition with rivals; supplier market management is not perfect and lacking of benign cooperation with impacts represented government. Thus it proposed the countermeasures as follows: customer-centered,paying more attention to improving relationship with customer; concerning the internal market,cultivating employee loyalty; collaborating relationship with competitors, cooperation and win-win; implementing the supplier relationship marketing,optimizing supplier relationships; carrying out the impact of relationship marketing actively and establishing a good social image. To promote the healthy development of the travel industry to provide reference.
Key Words:Travel agencies; Relationship marketing; Customer satisfaction
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、旅行社关系营销的理论概述 2
 (一) 旅行社关系营销涵义 2
 (二)旅行社关系营销的特征 3
二、我国旅行社开展关系营销的现状 4
(一)普遍具有关系营销意识 4
(二)运用范围过于狭窄 5
三、我国旅行社关系营销存在的问题 5
(一)顾客关系管理不当,顾客忠诚度低 5
(二)供应商管理不科学,成本较高 6
(三)忽视内部关系营销,员工的工作积极性不高 7
(四)竞争者之间盲目竞争,导致的行业市场混乱 7
(五)缺乏与影响者的良性合作,旅行社名誉度较低 8
四、我国旅行社关系营销问题的解决对策 9
(一)以顾客为中心,注重增进与顾客感情 9
(二)实施供应商关系营销,优化供应商关系 10
(三)关注内部市场,培养员工忠诚 11
(四)协调与竞争者之间的关系,合作共赢 12
(五)积极开展影响者关系营销,树立良好的社会形象 12
参考文献 14
致谢 15,3094

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