并购后企业的接管策略研究+人力资源+财务接管+经营资源+文化冲突 摘要:本文研究企业在并购后如何选择合适的接管策略,接管是企业在并购和重组之间的一个环节,好的接管可以保证整个并购过程的顺利进行,因此非常重要。首先是关于国内外对于这个领域的研究现状,然后主要根据人力资源,财务,以及文化冲突上的问题对公司接管的策略进行深入探讨。在人力资源上,公司要决定员工的去留问题以及如何选择好的激励方式去挽留那些优秀的员工,并在之后如何与他们沟通与交流。在财务方面,收购企业要获得哪些关于目标企业的信息,以及有哪些途径去进行融资,并找出最适合的方法。然后是在文化冲突上企业会遇到哪些问题,比如如何让员工在新公司有归属感等,本文来自优&文*论~文'网,毕业论文 www.chuibin.com 加7位QQ324,9114找源文以及如何解决这些问题。最后是讲如何控制一些不可预测的风险并如何对它们进行预防.
关键词: 并购;接管策略;人力资源;财务;文化冲突
Takeover strategy research of corporations after merger and acquisition
Abstract:This article research how a corporate choose an appropriate takeover strategy . takeover is a process after merger and acquisition and before recombination. A good takeover can guarantee the process of merger can be a success, so it is very important. Firstly, it is about the current situation in this field at home and abroad. Then discussing the takeover strategy in depth according to the problems of human resources, finance and culture. In human resources, corporations have to decide which employees should be left and how to find a good motivational pattern to persuade some outstanding employees to stay, and how to communicate with them later. In finance, acquiring enterprises should know which information they must get from the acquired enterprises, finding the ways of capital raising and choose the best. Then in culture, corporations should know what kind of problems they way meet. For example how to make employees have sense of blonging in a new company and how to solve them. The last content tell as how to control some unpredictable risks and how to
prevent these things.
Key words: merger and acquisition;takeover strategy;human resources;finance;culture shock
(一) 人力资源概述2
(二) 并购后的人员去留决策2
(三) 并购后的人员激励策略2
(四) 并购后的员工沟通方法3
(五) 并购后的福利问题4
(一) 企业财务分析6
1 初始阶段6
2 实施阶段6
3 汇总阶段6
(二) 融资6
1 融资的重要性6
2 融资途径7
1 分销渠道接管的优势8
2 分销渠道接管的关键8
1 技术接管概述8
2 我国的技术接管8
(一) 文化接管概述10
(二) 并购时出现的的文化问题10
1 员工归属感10
2 企业文化11
3 如何进行交流11
(三) 如何解决文化冲突11
(一) 边缘性问题12
(二) 根本性问题13
(三) 无法解决的问题14