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企业并购绩效研究分析 第2页

更新时间:2016-8-8:  来源:毕业论文


The global deal-making of M&A becomes active again, which is called the sixth global wave of M&A.The new wave of M&A keeps annually 29% growth rate .According to this, the thesis will systematically and deeply study on the resource relativity behaviors of M&A in the listed companies in the new period.
The thesis uses both the tools of empirical and of normative analysis, and extracts 61 research samples happened M&A Enterprises in 2005. Also, according to the 2003-2007 ’performance of these sample companies, we research on performance persistence of resource relativity of these listed companies.
In the normative analysis part , first, the thesis systematically overviews the research results from three aspects :the reasons of resource relativity M&A、study methods、performance change. On this basis ,the thesis analyses domestic M&A characteristic、reason of M&A . It divides resource relativity behavior of M&A carried out by these listed companies into four classifications: vertical merger、horizontal merger、upstream M&A in domain-chain、downstream M&A in domain-chain.
In the empirical analysis part, the article statistically researches the performance of sample companies from three aspects : the market performance of Acquisition、business performance、horizontal classification.
In market performance study, the thesis takes 10 days which is before and after announce date of M&A for the event window. We use the method of cumulative abnormal return to calculate population‘s cumulative abnormal in the event period , and carry out relevant statistical analysis.Compared the effect of stock promoted by resource  relativity  M&A  with by not- resource  relativity  M&A, the result shows that the cumulative abnormal return from resource relativity M&A obviously excel the cumulative abnormal return from not-resource relativity M&A. In the business performance research ,the thesis is based on finance database before mergering 2 years and after mergering 2 years in the sample companies. Through studying on the persisitence of business performance for sample companies, we find that resource relativity performance has obvious persistence at the present stage.
In the business performance of classification research,we find that the business performance from resource relativity M&A obviously excels the performance from not-resource relativity M&A. If we classify the sample companies of resource relativity M&A according to the vertical and horizontal mergers, market performance from vertical resource relativity M&A obviously excel business performance from horizontal resource relativity M&A ; In the vertical resource relativity M&A, the business performance from forward resource relativity M&A obviously excel the one from backward resource relativity M&A.

Keywords: resource relativity M&A, M&A reason, M&A performance.

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