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更新时间:2016-8-7:  来源:毕业论文

摘 要本文的中心议题是探讨组织即兴构念的测量问题,应用了扎根理论和结构方程等质、量结合的研究工具,深入挖掘了组织即兴构念所包含的各方面内容。本文的研究想法源自于这样三方面的思考:一是以往学者会根据各自研究主题的不同来界定组织即兴,因此尚没有形成统一的组织即兴定义;二是目前国内关注组织即兴测量问题的研究较少,而有本分学者认为国外已有的组织即兴测量也存在一定程度的局限性;三是目前企业所面临的外界环境不确定性程度高,并且完成任务的时间压力大,企业成员的即兴发挥能力对处于这样环境中的企业来说至关重要。安全Cookie的设计参考文献


The main topic of this dissertation is on the measurable problems of organization improvisation. This dissertation unearths all aspects of content which organization improvisation contains by using Grounded Theory and Structural Equation Model, quantitatively and qualitatively. The following three points aroused my researching interests: Firstly, the definitions of organization improvisation are various, but still be not unified; Secondly, the measurement problems of organization improvisation is still a little in our country, and the reseraches in foreign countries is still localized; Thirdly, the external environment is full of high degree of uncertainty and the complete tasks are full of time pressure, so the ability of organization improvisation is very important for such enterprise.
This dissertation, based on the above mentioned, discusses the measurement problems of organization improvisation, in a quantitative and qualitative combined way. Firstly, this dissertation discusses the contents of dimensions of organization improvisation, with Grounded Theory, gets the model organization improvisation in terms of qualitative. Then, checking the model with SEM in terms of quantitative to modify the result of qualitative research, and recruit research consequence. We have organized this dissertation into four chapters.
Chapter 1, putted the main issue of this research forward, expounded the status of organization improvisation researches both home and abroad, then explained the necessity, meaning, creative point, research methods, and framework of this research.
Chapter 2, reviewed the definition of organization improvisation , theories and the empirical studies of organization improvisation.
Chapter 3 is empirical study of organization improvisation. First initiate quantitative and qualitative research on this interviews. This dissertation used Grounded Theory in qualitative research after interview. And it used SPSS16.0 to do exploratory factor analysis, AMOS17.0 to do confirmatory factor analysis and SEM, both based on the questionnaire survey of organization improvisation. Finally,we developed a questionnaire of organization improvisation,which is of great reliability and validity. This chapter is also the key point and essence of this dissertation.
Chapter 4, drew a conclusion of this dissertation, gave advice, illuminated the progress and limitation, and forecasted.
In brief, this dissertation discussed organization improvisation perspective in a quantitative and qualitative combined way. On the research content, Grounded Theory in qualitative research based on case study provided factual details for the contents of dimensions of organization improvisation. At the same time, quantitative analysis checked and modified the initial theoretical model which acquired from qualitative research. The two different research paradigms mutually complemented. The result of qualitative research suggested that there are three dimensions of organization improvisation letting go,making do and making use of  existing resources. Quantitative analysis checked and modified the questionnaire survey of organization improvisation which acquired from qualitative research.

Key Words:Organization Improvisation, Content Analysis, Development of Instrument, Grounded Theory, Empirical Studie2718

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