Staff professional identity impact on loyalty--- Nanjing Grand Hotel Case Study
摘 要:本文以南京古南都饭店为例,运用问卷调查法、相关分析、回归分析和方差分析等方法,研究酒店员工职业认同对忠诚度的影响,通过实证研究及分析,本文得出以下三个结论:①酒店员工不同背景变量对忠诚度有显著差异。除了性别、年龄、学历等因素外,不同职位、工作年限对忠诚度都具有显著差异。②酒店员工职业认同与忠诚度有正相关性,并且达到了显著水平,即在酒店内,员工的职业认同度越高,员工就会产生更高的忠诚度。③职业认同的相关文度对员工的忠诚度有较好的预测能力,当员工不满意目前的工作状态、工作环境、工作薪酬等,会选择离职的可能性更大,反之则相反。
关键词:离职率 职业认同 忠诚度
Abstract:Based on Nanjing Grand Hotel as an example, this paper USES questionnaire survey method, correlation analysis, regression analysis and variance analysis method, study the influence of the hotel staff professional identity on loyalty, through empirical research and analysis, this paper the following three conclusions: ①Hotel staff from different backgrounds variables were significantly different loyalty. In addition to gender, age, education and other factors, different positions, years of loyalty have significant differences. ② The hotel staff professional identity and loyalty has a positive correlation, and reached the significant level, namely, within the hotel staff career were higher, the staff can produce higher loyalty. ③Professional identity related dimension has good predictive ability to employee loyalty, when employees are not satisfied with current job.
Key words:Turnover rate professional identity loyalty
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景 1
(二)文献综述 1
1、基本概念的内涵界定 1
2、关于职业认同的文献综述 2
3、关于忠诚度的文献综述 4
(三)研究目的 4
(四)研究意义 4
二、研究设计 5
(一)问卷调查 5
(二)数据采集与说明 5
三、问卷调查及实证分析 6
(一)人口学特征分析 6
(二)信度和效度的检验 8
(三)职业认同和忠诚度的差异特征分析 8
2、个人特征对职业认同和忠诚度的方差分析 9
(四) 职业认同和忠诚度的关系分析 14
(五) 职业认同对忠诚度的影响分析 14
四、研究结论和建议 16
(一)研究结论 16
(二)建议 16