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更新时间:2014-11-6:  来源:毕业论文

目录中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
引言 1
一 中小企业营运资金的概述 2
(一)中小企业的概述 2
(二)营运资金的概述 2
二 中小企业营运资金管理的现状 4
(一)融资困难,周转现金严重不足 4
(二)营运资金低效运营 4
三 营运资金管理问题的成因分析 7
(一)管理者缺乏营运资金的理论研究及管理观念 7
(二)产品及服务不适应市场的需求 7
(三)不合理的营运资金结构管理 8
(四)流动资金周转不畅 8
(五)流动资金耗费补偿不足 9
四 解决中小企业营运资金管理中存在问题的对策 10
(一)转变观念,增加融资渠道,提高企业信用等级,树立新的融资观念 10
(二)强化企业内部对营运资金管理的重视 11
(三)提升人员素质 13
(四)改善与客户的关系,加快资金周转 13
(五)加强流动负债项目的管理 14
(优)运用信息手段加强企业营运资金管理 14
五 总结 16
参考文献 17
致谢 18

摘  要

关键词:中小企业 营运资金 效益 对策分析


       Working capital is current assets and current liabilities of enterprises collectively, to carry out normal business working capital is a necessary prerequisite for production and business activities.Working capital management is the most important part of financial management, aslo is the foundation of capital management.Speed up the cash, inventory and receivables turnover rate, reduce capital unreasonable occupation, lower funding costs.Increase the use of capital efficiency, with minimal investment, for the maximum output is to comply with "best allocation of resources" principle.
      In this paper, for the current management of SME working capital situation and problems, to analyze the causes and proposed to optimize the structure of assets and liabilities and the strengthening of internal control measures to strengthen enterprise management of working capital.Focus on the three aspects of  working capital from the classification, supply chain, procurement, production, sales, about how to strengthen the working capital management.At the same time, strengthen combination of information means to achieve the working capital management innovation, from the elements of working capital, further explore the use of a variety of innovative means to strengthen the management of working capital management approach and methods.
Key words:SME; working capital;efficiency; Management Strategies2678

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