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柔性供应链优化问题研究 第3页

更新时间:2012-2-6:  来源:毕业论文
Slack N于1987年首次提出了供应链柔性的概念[1-4]。他认为,供应链柔性指供应链指对顾客需求做出反映的能力。Sabri等指出,供应链柔性主要包括生产柔性和分销柔性,生产柔性用生产能力和生产能力利用之差衡量,分销柔性用现实的分销量和顾客需求之差衡量[2]。Voudouris
图1  不同柔性条件下的供应链总成本

4 结束语

1 Slack N..The Flexity of Manufacturing Systems[J].International  Journal  of Operations and Production Management,1987,7(4):35-45.
2 Sabri E H ,Beamon B M.A Multi-objective Approach to Simultaneous Strategic and Operational Planning in Supply Chain Design[J]. The International Journal of Management Science,2000,28(5):581-598.
3 Voudouris V.Mathematical Programming Techniques to Debottleneck the Supply Chain of the Chemical Industries[J].Computers and Chemical Engineering,1996,20(6):1269-1274.
4 马士华,林勇,陈志祥. 供应链管理[M] .北京:机械工业出版社,2000,202-218.
5 Lee H,Feitzinger . E.Product Configuration and Postponement for Supply Chain Efficiency[J] .In:4th Industrial Engineering Research Conference.1995.43-48.
6 周明,孙树栋. 遗传算法原理及应用[M].北京:国防工业出版社,1999.168-175.
Optimal Model of Flexible Supply Chain and its Applications
Zhang Cuihua   Huang Xiaoyuan
Abstract  Flexible supply chain’s  optimization model is studied and an optimization model for supply chain is set up with regard to all constraints  on production and distribution..Evolutionary planning(EP) is applied to optimize an Agricultural Machines Corp.’flexible SC  model and sensitive analysis is made. Results indicate that the model incorporates production and distribution uncertainties  using flexibility index and can evaluate SC’operation more comprehensively.It is helpful to design efficient and effective supply chain with enough flexibility.For mixed-integar linear model with a lot of datas ,EP is proper.Keywords  flexible  supply chain  optimal model  EP

上一页  [1] [2] [3] 

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