Along with the rapid development of chinese economy and the living condition of people, many people focus on that how can we improve the development of convenience stores in China, especially for national convenience stores. But it’s in the quality of services and success abroad there is a big gap between the convenience store. Services gap reflected in the future work of the service, and backers of the site to facilitate the work of the convenience store logistics and distribution systems in these two areas. This article has the actual importance as a research instance.
This article is completed with researching relative references involving with the practice, analyzing and comparing history. It made a systematic analysis for Beijing Wumei store, showing its current status , and its convenience store 7-11 comparative advantages and shortcomings. Established a gap in service work and the prospects for background work and 7-11 the performance gap, raised relative advices.
Keywords: convenience stores;Distribution System;Service Quality;Service gap
目 录
一、绪论 1
(一)研究的目的和意义 1
1.研究目的 1原文请+QQ3249.114优.文^论'文"网
2.研究意义 1
(二)研究范围的界定 2
二、北京国有品牌便利店和外资品牌便利店现状及存在问题 2
(一)北京地区国有品牌便利店和外资品牌便利店现状 3
(二)物糜陪利店和7-11在服务质量上的对比分析 3
1.服务质量的涵义 4
2.服务蓝图的概念 4
3.物美和7-11在服务质量的五个文度上对比 4
4.便利店服务质量五个文度上的22个指标 6
5.物美和7-11在服务质量的22个指标上的对比 7
6.物美和7-11在服务质量上的对比结果分析 8
(三)物糜陪利店在服务质量差距上存在的原因 9
1.前台工作中的差距 9
2.后台工作中的差距 10
三、物糜陪利店服务质量提高对策 11
(一)加强员工管理、培训及考核 11
1.员工工作进行表格化管理 11
2.不断规范和完善员工培训体系 12
3.制定开放式的绩效考核与升迁制度 12
(二)选址问题上的对策 12
(三)完善物流配送系统 13
1.要建立起完善的不同商品配送渠道 13
2.建立适应便利店的快速反应信息系统 14
3. 注重门店点菜技巧培养 16
4.建立JIT物流体制 16
5.实现共同配送的物流模式 17
四、结束语 17
参考文献 19
外文文献与翻译 20
致谢 34,2089
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