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汽贸公司组织承诺与激励机制研究 第2页

更新时间:2011-10-5:  来源:毕业论文
摘    要进入21世纪以来,中国的中小企业正在以史无前例的速度迅猛发展。中小企业无论在增加就业、创造税收、提供财富、社会稳定方面都起到很大作用。然而我国中小企业平均寿命只有2.9年。在大力倡导树立“以人为本”核心理念的今天,中小企管理越来越突出人的作用和力量。正确地建立激励机制,不失时机地采适当的激励方法和手段,提高员工对组织的承诺,对企业用好人才、留住人才至关重要,对中小业的发展意义深远。
Research on Organizational Commitment and Motivation Mechanism of Chengda Hengshui Qimao Abstract
Since the 21st century, China's small and medium enterprises have developed at an unprecedented rate, Small and medium enterprises have played an essential role in increasing employment, creating revenue, providing wealth and stabilizing society.  However, the average life expectancy of China's small and medium enterprises is only 2.9 years. Nowadays, with the establishment of core philosophy of"people-oriented", the management of small and medium enterprises has become increasingly prominent in the role and the strength of people.So developing a right motivation mechanism and using appropriate methods are of far-reaching significance to the talents management and the development of small and medium enterprises.毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com
This paper focuses on the organizational commitment and motivation mechanism for Chinese small and medium enterprises, through referring to extensive literature,comparative analysis and on the basis of the theoretical research of Chinese small and medium enterprises combined with hengshui ChengDa QiMao organizational commitment and motivation mechanism for small and medium-sized enterprises, the current in the organizational commitment and motivation mechanism of the problems in the inter-external motivation theory, based on the exploration of small and medium-sized enterprises' organizational commitment and motivation mechanism of constructing method, in order to improve the human resource management of small and medium-sized enterprises, attracting, retaining and with good talents, improving staff positivity, mining, further strengthen enterprise cohesive and market competitiveness.
Keywords: Small and Medium-sized Enterprises; Organizational Commitment; Motivation Mechanism
目    录
1  绪论  1
1.1  选题背景及研究意义 1
1.2  国内外研究现状 1
1.3  研究内容和方法 4
2  组织承诺与激励机制的概念及理论  5
2.1  组织承诺和激励机制的概念 5
2.2  组织承诺与激励机制的关系 6
2.3  激励理论的应用 7
3  衡水成达汽贸基本情况 11
3.1  企业概况  11
3.2  企业文化  13
4  衡水成达汽贸组织承诺与激励机制现状及制约因素 14
4.1  组织承诺与激励机制的现状分析  14
4.2  组织承诺与激励机制中存在的问题  18
4.3  组织承诺与激励机制的制约因素  20
5  衡水成达汽贸组织承诺与激励机制的再构建 22
5.1  组织承诺与激励机制设计目标  22
5.2  组织承诺与激励机制设计原则  22
5.3  组织承诺与激励机制的构建  24
5.4  组织承诺与激励机制运行保障措施  27
结束语  30
参考文献  31
致谢  32
附录:成达员工组织承诺与激励机制调查访问大纲  33

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