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教育集团网络营销策略研究+任务书+开题报告+网络营销现状 第2页

更新时间:2011-10-3:  来源:毕业论文
关键词: 弘成教育集团;网络教育;网络营销;营销策略
Research on Online Marketing Strategy of Hongcheng Education Group Abstract
Current online education was the main trend of diversification, with the acceleration of knowledge update and non-academic educational needs of the community to further expand, coupled with the perfect network environment, Internet-based distance education training market unprecedented prosperity. In this environment, network education, online marketing strategy study on the development of online education is important.
    In this paper, Hongcheng Education Group for the study, combined with network marketing and Internet Education industry characteristics, current status, basic theory and method to online marketing methods applied for the theme, the use of marketing, network marketing theory, for Hongcheng Education Group Marketing Practice issues in research, build Hongcheng Education Group Marketing implementation. Firstly, analysis of the online education industry development overview of current online education industry, network marketing environment and the use of SWOT analysis method, Hongcheng Education Group prepared strengths, weaknesses and face opportunities and threats, constructed Hongcheng Education Group Internet Marketing Strategy for strategic implementation to expand the market and achieve its business objectives.
Keywords: Hongcheng Education Group; Online education; Internet marketing; Marketing strategy
1绪论 1
1.1选题的意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.3本文的研究内容 3
2网络营销相关理论 5
2.1网络营销概念理论 5
2.2网络营销环境理论 6
2.3 SWOT分析 6
2.4营销组合理论 7
3弘成教育集团网络营销现状 10
3.1弘成教育集团简介 10
3.2弘成教育集团的市场竞争状况 11
3.3弘成教育集团外部营销环境分析 15
3.4弘成教育集团SWOT分析 17
3.5弘成教育集团网络营销现状及存在的问题 19
4弘成教育集团网络营销策略 21
4.1产品策略 21
4.2营销渠道策略 22
4.3促销策略 24
5弘成教育集团网络营销实施保障 26
5.1产品策略实施 26
5.2网络营销渠道实施 27
5.3促销策略实施 27
结束语 31
参考文献 32
致    谢 33

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