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更新时间:2011-10-1:  来源:毕业论文

关键词:策略分析  微博营销  汽修行业  汽车文修  珠海笛威毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/
An Exploration on the MicroBlog Marketing Strategies of Zhuhai Diwei’s Auto Repair Project Abstract
This paper using comparative analysis, factor analysis and observation, discusses and analyzes the present market situation and automobile industry development prospects and the existing main problems. Based on existing literature and research results of the company, combining with DiWei Auto maintenance project analysis, to steam long project in network marketing problems existed and its influencing factors has summarized, which was put forward in MicroBlog for DiWei company of Zhuhai marketing strategy analysis and advice, basically have 4 p strategy, MicroBlog marketing brand strategy, product life cycle operation strategy.
The thesis is composed of five chapters. The first chapter mainly expounds the Microblog marketing related theory ; The second chapter basically tells vehicle repair industry market situation, the market situationg of Zhuhai DW company and the motor repair project main problems of business development is analyzed; The third chapter mainly to the MicroBlog marketing the feasibility and the necessity for analysis; The fourth chapter is case analysis, drawing on changan ford motor company Microblog marketing case, for the subsequent zhuhai flute b&w automobile project development Microblog marketing offers reference ; The fifth chapter mainly expounds the concrete Microblog marketing strategies and Suggestions.
As the research of topic is DiWei company of Zhuhai on automobile project MicroBlog marketing strategy analysis of automobile industry, therefore, the management of the enterprise development to have the certain reference value and significance.
Keyword: Strategy Analysis; MicroBlog Marketing; Auto Repair Industry; Auto Repair; Zhuhai Diwei 
目  录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1  前言 5
2  基本理论综述 6
2.1网络营销概述 6
2.1.1基本概念 6
2.1.2主要特点与策略 6
2.2  微博营销概述 7
2.2.1基本概念 7
2.2.2 主要特点与策略 7
2.3  SWOT模型概述 9
2.4  产品生命周期理论 10
3 珠海笛威公司汽修项目概述 11
3.1 汽车文修行业的市场分析 11
3.1.1 主要经营模式与发展现状 11
3.1.2中国汽车后市场的发展前景 12
3.1.3经营发展存在的主要问题 13
3.2 珠海笛威公司简介 14
3.3 汽修项目的介绍 15
3.3.1 项目的基本情况 15
3.3.2 项目的市场定位 17
3.3.3 项目的经营模式 17
3.3.4 定价策略 17
4 微博营销的可行性与必要性分析 18
4.1国内移动互联网的发展现状 18
4.2微博的市场现状及发展前景分析 18
4.2.1 微博的市场现状 18
4.2.2 微博的市场发展前景 20
4.3微博营销的可行性分析 20
4.3.1 外部环境分析 20
4.3.2 内部环境分析 21
4.4微博营销的必要性及其意义 22
4.5案例分析——长安福特汽车的微博营销 22
5 微博营销的策略分析与建议 24
5.1 微博受众群体分析 24
5.2微博设计与营销策略分析 25
5.2.1微博账号配置 25
5.2.2微博定位与内容策划 25
5.2.3微博生命周期运营三部曲 25
5.2.4微博的品牌营销策略 26
5.2.5网络客户服务的实施 28
5.2.6员工微博——企业微博的有益补充 28
6  结束语 30
参考文献 31
致谢 32
图1 1:论文的技术路线图 5
图2 1:SWOT分析模型 9
图4 1:中国手机网民规模及增长率 18
图4 2:2010年微博受众听说过的主流微博网站统计 19
图5 1:微博用户分类 24

表 2 1:SWOT分析及策略列表 9
表 3 1:FUJI快喷王QA3000汽车环保快喷机与传统喷涂技术对比 16
表 3 2:FUJI快喷王QA3000汽车环保快喷机的技术优势 16
表 4 1:国内市场10款主要微博产品 19,2046

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