摘 要随着我国加入WTO,我国的市场上出现了不同种类的公司,中介类服务公司也蓬勃的发展起来了。在建筑工程造价方面,造价咨询行业的利润比较大,因此竞争非常激烈。国家建设行政管理部门也要从法制管理角度,加大管理,形成一个具有较高透明度监管的法制环境,使得工程造价资询单位和执业人员都不敢置业务质量不顾。在这样的竞争环境之下,追其根本就是人才的竞争。要想留住人才,要想获取更多的利润,一个好的适合本公司的薪酬结构在其中发挥了不小的作用。原文请+QQ3249'114优.文^论,文'网
关键字:薪酬;薪酬结构;天地公司 毕业论文
http://www.chuibin.com/The Remuneration Design of Hebei Tiandi Engineering Cost Consultation Co.,Ltd.
With China's accession to the WTO .China's market emerged in different types of companies, intermediary class of service companies prospered. In the construction cost, the cost of consulting relatively large profits,therefore competing extremely intensely. National construction administration also from the legal management perspective, tighten the management, Formed in a more transparent regulatory legal environment , Making the Consultation Unit Cost and practitioners are not in a position regardless of service quality. In this competitive environment, simply chasing the talent competition. To retain talent, to gain more profit, a good salary structure for the company which played no small role.
This essay according to the company's industry characteristics and the relevant laws and regulations,combined with Tiandi company’s pay system problems, using the incentive theory and the motivation needs theory etc,And using salary point method evaluate post whose in Tiandi company. Redesigning Tiandi company’s salary structure. Make it more in the highly competitive market and the state under strict supervision, invincible.
Keywords: pay; salary structure;Tiandi company
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 论文的背景及意义 1
1.2国内外薪酬发展 2
1.3论文的写作思路与研究方法 6
2 薪酬体系设计的相关理论 8
2.1薪酬的概念 8
2.2激励理论 9
2.3薪酬设计方法 11
3 天地公司现有薪酬状况 13
3.1公司概况 13
3.2公司现有薪酬体系状况 17
3.3天地公司与事业单位专业技术人员基本工资对比 20
3.4天地公司薪酬体系中存在的问题 21
4 天地公司薪酬体系设计 22
4.1薪酬设计的基本思路和设计的原则 22
4.2薪酬体系设计的步骤 23
4.3薪酬结构设计 27
5 薪酬体系的实施 35
5.1公司薪酬方案的实施条件 35
5.2薪酬方案实施的注意事项 35
5.3薪酬制度实施的辅助措施 36
5.4本薪酬方案的优缺点 37
结束语 38
参考文献 39
致谢 40
附录 天地公司职务分析问卷
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